NYC iSchool’s funniest moments!
March 15, 2022
At the iSchool nothing is completely “normal.” After all, not all schools have modules or fun teachers like we do. It makes our school unique, so it’s only fitting that the memories here would be just as goofy as the people.
Whether you’ve been at the iSchool for many years or only a few months, you’re bound to have at least one funny story here.
I was lucky enough to be able to interview some students and teachers from the iSchool about their funniest stories at the iSchool and these are the stories they shared!:
Violet Bohen, freshman at the iSchool, says that her funniest moment at the iSchool was when “ One of my friends had a picture of a cat that was very funny.” It had “emerald green eyes, silky orange, and white hair, and was in the pose of taking a selfie.” This is ironic because Violet has three cats of her own!

If you look at them side by side, I would say that they look alike a little bit – so cute!
Violet also happens to be a jokester herself, and quite a good one.
Hayley Rosendo, a sophomore at the iSchool, says that she and Violet have an ongoing joke about Violet having Hayley’s dog in her book bag.“She would open her bag and be like ‘aww’ and pet the dog.”
On her way to Chemistry class, Hayley decided to ask Violet to show her proof that her dog was actually in the bag and “Violet went on her phone and pretended to take a picture and then showed me a picture of my dog and I didn’t even know where she got it from.” I bet Hayley was a mixture of confused and impressed by her photography skills.

Hayley Rosendo has another memorable story about being in the iSchool. Her most recent one was having a dance party with Mr.Whittaker:“My friends and I were doing the jerk in the hallway and out of nowhere Mr. Whittaker comes through the staircase and sees what we were doing.”
I imagine that she thought that he was going to crack a joke or tell them an anecdote about his youth, but instead he “came up to us and kind of joined in with the running man instead.” I wish they had filmed that moment, but sadly they didn’t. Either way, it will stay in their memory for a long time.
Another sophomore, Carolina Johnson, recalls a funny memory that she had when one of her friends, Cassius Quinn Crandall, was having some trouble sitting still:“There was a chair in front of us so he started gripping it and shuffling a bunch so I looked over and he was flailing all over his chair and he was about to fall off his stool so he was trying not to fall…he was grabbing onto everything around him.”
Luckily, he was able to regain his balance but not without being a bit embarrassed about the whole situation. I don’t think Carolina is ever going to let him forget that one!
Enough from students though. Thankfully, I was also lucky enough to interview some teachers!
It’s never easy being new, and Mr. Mei knows a thing or two about that. While Mr.Mei was still new to the school in the fall, there were a lot of mix-ups. One of his most memorable being when he was confused for a student by another student:“I asked him,” Do you know where the bathroom is? “ and he’s like it’s that way, just take a left. And he’s like “but oh they’re doing some cleaning so just go back to class and try next time.”.
At the time, Mr. Mei didn’t realize that the student thought he was a student so he thanked him and left it at that. Soon after though, the idea that the student probably thought he was a student too finally clicked. I guess looking young has its perks and drawbacks.
New and old teachers are all able to share funny moments with their students, and history teacher Ms. Asher has funny stories to tell!
Ms. Asher has been teaching at the iSchool for 7 years and believes that “it’s always exciting, different doesn’t get boring.” Her story took place a few years ago when the teachers could volunteer to get a pie in the face during spirit week:“One by one kid pied their teachers in the face” “I distinctly remember the student who pied me in the face, who was a super nice kid, was super aggressive and smashed it into my face super hard.”
Ms. Asher says that she was very angry about how she was pied but now recalls it as a fun moment. I hope that they do the event again, with more restraint on the students’ part, of course.
It wouldn’t be fair to write about other people’s stories and not my own. Therefore, I present to you my funniest story:
My funniest story at the iSchool was a prank that I pulled on my sister. I was in the class 21st Century Campaigning. When I retrieved my computer, I noticed that someone hadn’t logged out of their Google account, so I proceeded to write an email to my sister saying that I, the person who didn’t log out, accidentally pushed her sister down the stairs. At the time, I was recovering from an ankle sprain and so it upped the severity of the situation. After I sent the email, I logged out of the account and emailed my sister from my account saying that someone had just pushed me down the stairs to make it more believable, and she was very concerned and confused. She emailed both me and the other email asking questions, and that’s when I let her know that it was a prank. She made me apologize to the other person, but in my opinion, it was worth it.

Everyone still in high school, like me, should relish their time here! I can’t guarantee that they’ll be remembered, but they’re the times enjoyed the most, so make them count!