If you live in the city, you can rarely step outside without seeing stickers stuck onto buildings, street signs, fire hydrants, and even cars. This subtle act of vandalism can have many purposes, one being adding some key city charm to the streets of New York.
A sticker covered fire hydrant on Broome street in Soho. Stickers can make even the most practical of inventions look cool.Some stickers are use for promotions. Here’s a sticker promoting Ad Tumulum Arts.Art from street artist phoebenyc. This pasted street art is similar to that of stickers because it can easily be taken down, painted over, or taken.Sometimes a sticker is just as simple as a someone’s on a postage label.Drawing on postage labels is a popular way to make stickers because they are free at the post office and easy to stick.A way of using postage labels for sticker art on a larger scale. Since spray paint graffiti is illegal, this artist has found a loophole in order to keep using their stencil for street art.Putting stickers on public property is technically against the law, but since they are easy to scrape off, it is considered an act of littering.Stickers are often used by artists to get their art out to the public, since they don’t need permission to put stickers on public property, though it is illegal.Street art also goes underground into the subways– here are some stickers on a generator in the Essex Street station in Lower Manhattan.