The Earth’s temperature is rising, and the world needs help ( )
The Earth’s temperature is rising, and the world needs help

Climate change: We must act now

November 7, 2019

On the afternoon of September 20th, 2019, people from across the globe in over sixty-five countries chose to partake in one of the world’s most massive youth-led protests to ever occur. From countries as far as Thailand and Australia, to cities in the states like Boston and D.C, students chose to put their Friday afternoon education on pause to march for our world’s declining climate. 

This protest was organized in hopes of their voices being heard by not only the people but our nation’s leaders with hopes of adopting a solution as the number of fossil fuels burned and carbon dioxide emissions are at an all-time high, causing a significant impact on the climate. 

In New York City alone, 200,000 people from young children to adults participated in the strike flooding streets with signs, motivational speeches, and moving chants that were all created to demonstrate the harm that is being placed on our Earth.

A vast majority of people worldwide have established that global warming and the change in our Earth’s climate is a growing issue to the environment. With the Earth’s rapid change in temperature and horrific natural disasters, it seems each year we are getting closer and closer to an issue we may not be able to resolve if our world waits to make a change. 

NYC iSchool science teacher and climate activist Peter Mulroy states, “Climate change is the most important issue facing all humanity right now, which we are not taking seriously enough…there’s a great misunderstanding on the root causes of it.” 

The science behind climate change 

As the years go on, our world is always changing, and so is our Earth’s climate. While each year it seems there is still something new and improved, Earth’s climate issues are not new and are only getting worse. 

The warmer the conditions are, the more likely it is to lead to an increase in evaporation and precipitation as a whole where individual regions will vary, with some places becoming wetter and others drier.

There has been such an increase in temperature around the globe, and many scientists believe this is due to rising greenhouse gases. A greenhouse gas is a gas that both absorbs and gives off radiant energy that is in an infrared thermal range.

The greenhouse gases that are present in our Earth’s atmosphere include carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, methane, and ozone. The stronger the greenhouse effect, the warmer the oceans will become, also causing glaciers to melt and increase the ocean’s sea level.  

This image demonstrates the rise in our world’s sea levels since 1880-2013. 

Around 90% of the energy used worldwide depends on the burning of fossil fuels like coal and gas. For our globe to not find itself in a position that is insolvable, the amount of emissions rates now will have to decrease to half the amount that they were ten years ago.

Jennifer Jacquet, a professor at NYU in the department of studied environmental claims, “The people who experienced the benefits of fossil fuels, those living in the present, in the industrialized countries will likely not be the ones to bear most of the costs.” 

According to TIME, “Three decades from now, we will be on the cusp of 2050, the year by which we must have already acted—with urgency as outlined by the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change—to have any chance of keeping average global warming to 1.5°C above 19th century levels.”

 Scientific statistics demonstrate that the Earth is getting hotter much faster than expected, and the effects on the environment are quite clear.

When discussing the most harmful things people are doing to affect our environment, Mulroy suggests  “burning fossils fuels and the industrial combustion of fossil fuels is the worst thing being done but specifically, I mean the fossil fuel industry itself.” 

Climate change has also had not only impacted our atmosphere and weather, but there is a possibility that climate change could also alter the way soil absorbs water. If it were to affect the way soil absorbs water this means that plants and crops may be unable to grow therefore affecting the amount of carbon  dioxide in the air and the food chain. 

Daniel Giménez, a soil scientist and professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences at Rutgers University-New Brunswick shares, “Since rainfall patterns and other environmental conditions are shifting globally as a result of climate change, our results suggest that how water interacts with soil could change appreciably in many parts of the world, and do so fairly rapidly.” 

If soil does not have enough water absorbed, it affects the amount of carbon dioxide in the air in which is toxic if too much is inhaled. Carbon dioxide is one of the leading greenhouse gases that are linked to global warming Climate change is predicted to increase rainfall worldwide significantly. 

How the world is trying to resolve climate issues 

As the concern of our world’s climate continues to grow throughout the globe, many have made it their effort to spread the word on how we should be caring for our Earth to ensure our climate does not worsen. 

According to The New York Times article on the United Nations most recent climate summit, 65 countries agreed to make efforts to achieve net-zero emissions by the year 2050 with the United States being one of the few countries that attended. President Donald Trump chose not to make a statement on his views on the Earth’s changing climate. 

Climate activist Greta Thunberg included in her climate speech, “The eyes of all future generations are upon you …If you choose to fail us, I say we will never forgive you.” These words demonstrate how desperate our youth is about resolving the issues brought on by climate change. If the issue is not resolved there may not even be a future for the youths current generation. 

The opinions of our political figures have weighed dramatically on how climate change is being combated. In an article published by NPR, which discusses the nominees of both political parties for the upcoming 2020 US presidential election, the Green Deal is a solution presented. 

The Green Deal is a solution presented based on the fact that many believe the only way our country could lower its emissions is to turn to nuclear energy as an alternative to using fossil fuels. ”The Green New Deal was introduced as a nonbinding resolution in Congress, setting forth ambitious goals and policy ideas for fighting climate change.” 

Not only is the Green Deal being discussed, but a carbon emissions tax is in the talks of being established. The goal of the carbon tax is to reduce the number of carbon emissions used in the daily lives of people by forcing companies to pay the price for polluting our Earth.

Florencia Soto Nino-Martinez, associate spokesperson for the secretary-general of the United Nations, works in the press office as the official spokesperson for climate change and making our Earth a sustainable environment.

Martinez shared, “They are trying to do as much as they can, but so much more needs to happen, and I think this is why the UN as worked so hard to keep the issue relevant. We know what the problem is, but we must do more to fix it. There are many people who want to help, but we cannot just leave it up to the government. We need to keep going.” 

The growing question that is continuously raised is what changes can one make to resolve climate change? This question has come with a considerable amount of controversy as some believe that their changes do not compare to the changes that can be mandated by our state and country governments. 

Grace Goldstein, New York State, who is among 15 core organizers for the US Youth Climate Strikes and one of the foremost leaders behind the New York City Youth Climate Strike on September 20th, gave her opinion on how our everyday lives affect climate change.

“I am not going to say if you don’t use a metal straw that doesn’t matter because it does matter and those victories typically moral Victory…You need to ask everyone to do their part.” 

While there have been actions made by the people and our countries’ governments, the issues concerning our world’s climate is a problem not only one individual can solve. This is a global issue that will take the attention of millions to fix.  

Martinez claims, “You can do many things, but it can also drive you crazy. It is a structural problem, and you on your own you cannot fix it. There are options you can do, for example, get involved. Once you understand the issue, you’ll be ahead of others.” 

She then includes a variety of ways that one can be more eco-friendly: “If you are of voting age vote for those who have a vision towards green societies. If you can and live in a city walk or bike, if you are conscious about how waste pollutes the ocean, recycle and buy from companies that use sustainable materials.”  

A boost in the use of green energy storage has come following the rise in extreme weather events. According to the Environmental Defense Fund, “A sustained power outage can lead to serious consequences, such as loss of income and even death. Because of climate change, the frequency of these extreme weather events and outages will climb.” 

After Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico in September of 2017, the use of solar panels has doubled in states such as California. Natural energy resources, such as windmills and solar panels, have steadily increased based on people’s belief that electric lines increase the risk of devastation during wildfires, which commonly spark spreading the fires. 

Martinez shared, “We need to shift from an economy that needs resources like oil and coal to green resources like solar energy. These are things that are big and take time. “ 

Not only has the green storing of energy become popular because of the effects of extreme weather, but many believe the only way our country could lower its emissions is to turn to nuclear power as an alternative to using fossil fuels. 

Fifteen states in the United States have created policies to make the storage of energy more affordable for the people considering the positive effects it has on the environment and the safety it ensures the people in times of power outages caused by extreme weather events. 

When concluding her outlook on how people can help make a change, Martinez said: “big changes are born from the people in many countries governments like democracy has led them to get involved and make changes.” 


Walkouts have become a common way the youth have come together to protest the fight for those most affected by climate change and for the harm that has been done to our Earth.

Goldstein discussed the March 15th, 2019 in New York Cities Columbus Circle protest that eventually inspired her to get involved in the fight for climate justice.“There’s something in the air that day at the fact that it was a general strike that the first one too weak. See you at, and I walk home like realizing like everything, and for the first time, I knew that I had to get involved.” 

The most recent strike on September 20, brought together people in more than 3,600 locations across the globe in more than 150 countries got involved in protesting the power fight for our Earth’s current climate. 

These protests are not organized by just one individual but take a large amount of people to plan in order to spread the word for the fight for climate justice around the world 

The global protests were organized by eight different organizations, all with the same goal of saving our planet. These groups included the Earth Uprising, International Youth Council, Youth Climate Strike, Extinction Rebellion, Future Coalition, Zero Hour, the Sunrise Movement, and Earth Guardians organizations. 

Florencia Soto Nino-Martinez provided her outlook on how climate protests have affected our world by saying, “[T]he protests have been a crucial part of why the topic is so popular. Significant changes are born from people in many countries. Governments like democracy have led them to get involved and make changes… Protesting has been a big thing that has changed how people view climate change.“

From students to teachers to activists and those wanting to fight for what’s right for the sake of the future of humankind, four million people chose to participate in the marches. Creative signs and chants could be seen and heard across lower Manhattan in New York City.

 NYC iSchool sophomore Roxana Boital said, “When I saw how many people came together to support climate justice, it gave me a new outlook on how important it is to take care of our environment; however, I believe it is going to take much more than a protest to fix the climate.“ Roxana then included, “Climate change is something that is bound to affect the future for the worse, and I want to be able to say I contributed something to change that.” 

Students in NYC public schools were excused and not penalized for participating in the walkout orchestrated by Swedish teen activist Greta Thunberg. Thunberg first became a known figure when, in August of 2018, she would spend every Friday in front of the Swedish parliament to raise their attention towards global warming.

Her actions became recognized across the globe, which inspired millions worldwide to get involved in establishing the “Fridays for Future” -a campaign organized by students who then choose to walk out of their schools on Fridays to protest their political leaders for not taking enough action when addressing climate change.

 During her speech in Battery Park City located in lower Manhattan, she proclaimed, “My message is that we’ll be watching you,” she said. “We are at the beginning of mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth.” 

Public Opinion 

Like any other global issue, the opinions on climate change and the fight for climate justice vary from individual to individual. 

In an article published in the Washington Post on how Americans view our current climate crisis, Yale University and George Mason University both conducted a survey and found 69 percent of its participants believe that “global warming is happening,” while 55 percent claimed that global warming is caused by “human activities” and not brought on by the “natural changes in the environment.” 

Many also believe that there comes a great many fingers being pointed when it comes to issues of climate change. Whether it is directed towards public figures or even the regular person, there seems to be a split opinion on who and what is to blame for the problem. 

Mulroy communicated, “There is so much shifting of blame that goes on through culture that suggests it is our fault that our selfish impulses are contributing to it. It’s like saying you can end systemic racism on your own just by not being racist in your day to day life. There are massive systemic forces that need to be dealt with to address climate change”. 

 The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research conducted a survey which demonstrates that 72 percent of Americans believe catastrophic weather is more intense than ever before, while 4 percent see it as less than a threat than it once was.

“I think that’s something that until very recently was overlooked by both me and it still over by a lot of people… we’re starting to see signs of it, but it is like directly impacting real people right, “ stated Grace as she started her fight for climate justice following her first protest on March 15th, 2019.

Many major countries have pledged to work with one another to make an effort to reduce climate change. The United States is not one of the participants.

Martinez included, “It is a structural problem, and you on your own can’t fix it. There are options you can do, for example, get involved. Once you understand the issue, you’ll be ahead of others.”

Climate change is not just going to disappear from the world, just like any other problem. Being aware of any global issues is not going to bring change either. That is where the action is needed for change to be replaced. 

How it is affecting people 

Not only has climate change affected our environment, but it has impacted those living in areas most affected by its extreme weather. In a poll done by the New York Post, 3/4 of Americans have noticed weather disasters, like Hurricane Dorian, which hit the Bahamas in August 2019, getting worse and most blame climate to a great extent as a reason why these extreme weather events keep occurring. 

Both mental and economic issues occur with those who find themselves displaced following a disaster such as a hurricane or tornado. Climate change has affected millions with air pollutants produced by fossil fuels and water contamination from coal ash and lead.

 Due to the harmful air pollutants caused by the production of fossil fuels, climate change has been linked to illnesses such as kidney disease, a variety of cancers, and asthma. Climate change has also taken a toll on much of the world’s youth as they live with the worry of there being an unsafe and complicated future for their children and their children’s children.

With a concerned tone, Mulroy proclaimed, “I wonder a lot about the physiological effects where the youth is constantly being told that maybe your future may not be here.”

The Union of Concerned Scientists found that climate change is predicted to rapidly increase heat in both the frequency and severity, which is bound to cause significant public health risks across the U.S to grow.

 Jennifer Jacquet shared, “I am most concerned for humans who already live in scorching, resource-constrained or stressed areas, and for other species.” 

The state of our world’s current climate has become a topic nonexistent to some, but scary to many others. Some believe that climate change is not a real issue, while others are convinced it could lead to not only climate issues but even problems such as human rights violations. 

When discussing what he views our Earth’s future to be like by 2050, Mulroy states, 

“The rise of fascism is going to grow, and there will be a lot more outright racism happening, especially towards refugees fleeing countries that cannot sustain life anymore.”  

Within the  New York Post article, Cornell University climate scientist Natalie Mahowald shares, “People are catching up with the science! Extreme events are always partly due to natural variability, but we do think many are increasing in frequency because of climate change”.

Whether you believe climate change is an issue or not, it is still a problem on the minds of many throughout the globe. A theme like this one needs awareness and attention to be proved as well as solved. While protests and political meetings have occurred, our Earth’s climate situation has yet to improve. There are still changes to be made to better the future of our planet Earth. 

In order for these changes to occur our generations youth must act upon the topic, Whether it be through continuing protests, writing letters to both state and federal leaders, or even taking up more environmentally friendly habits like reducing the amount of plastic used; these changes will make a difference in our world so desperately needs. 



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