Why was the geometry teacher late to work?

January 9, 2017
He took the Rhom-bus.
The close knit community of the iSchool can attribute its success to the teacher send students relationships that are formed through humility and humor. Teachers in the iSchool cracks jokes with their students to form bonds and make students comfortable but contrary to popular belief, “the math jokes are the funniest.”
The NYC iSchool has 5 math teachers: Mr. Fitts, Mr. Whittaker, Ms. Laplante, Ms. Coleridge, and Ms. Guzman, all of which have more than a few jokes that make their classes enjoyable and engaging. Students at the iSchool find these jokes “entertaining, hilarious,” according to Shanai Williams.
Jasper Willey, a freshman at the NYC iSchool, told me he thought Mr. Fitts jokes were “corny but kinda funny” and that he listens in class for the jokes. Mr. Fitts like most of the iSchool teachers, is famous for the jokes, he shares during his classes, and if you catch them they are more than likely to make you laugh.
There are more than a few things that build and sustain the iSchool’s community. An anonymous student that attends iSchool said that “jokes makes the learning easier and more importantly, fun.”
The humor during classes keep students attentive and engaged during classes they may find challenging, and creates a space where students don’t feel embarrassed to ask questions. “I am more likely to go to a teacher after school for help when they are funny. Nobody wants a boring teacher,” said an anonymous student. The jokes are the life of a classroom and the funnier the jokes, the more engaged the students are.
Why didn’t the two 4’s eat at dinner?
They already 8.
Math, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Calculus teachers at the iSchool will continue to make jokes and students will continue to feel comfortable when asking questions and being confused. iSchool students want to thank all of these teachers for being the “smartest clowns in the world.”
Why didn’t Romans have a hard time with algebra?
X is always 10