Cleaning House.

A vast sea of Arms and Legs

swept out the doorframe,

blocking off the room from the house


An impenetrable wall

like thorns and vines,

sealing off the Girl from the Prince


The room sits empty

but for the dust.

Gathering in corners, shunning

the open space


The room sits empty

but for the grime.

Clinging to windows, shading 

out the sun


The room is dark, 

old and worn.

weighed by days long past


The room is tired,

desperate for a nap


And so it falls asleep.


Rain dancing back and forth 

persuading the dust to leave its home

convincing the grime to abandon ship


The wall bows

Retreating, withdrawing

Settling back into place


The room is clean,

spick and span.

A painting newly restored


The room is bright,

Having been awakened


It does not feel tired.