Help Assisting Accessories

The crime rate in New York City has been increasing drastically over the last year. CNN states that “The city recorded a 41% increase in overall major crime through the first months of 2022 compared to the same period last year”. These statistics don’t seem that drastic since it is across a period of time but sadly the situation worsens when you carefully acknowledge the increase of each month. According to the NYPD site, the rate of increase for each month of 2022 was 38.5% in January, 58.7% in February and 36.5% in March. It should be concerning that the monthly average of each month this year has increased by over 30% compared to the average crime rate of each month last year. 


If we keep following this path and don’t make a difference any time soon it can have some long-term effects on those living in the city. In addition it can also have some environmental effects such as physical destruction of stores/buildings, increase in community gangs, unstable neighborhoods, etc. Some of these effects include depression, PTSD and other anxiety-related illnesses. 


The police take too long to arrive at the crime scene which leads to some of the following: Giving the criminal time to flee, arriving once the victim has been seriously hurt, allowing the problem to prolong (example: a fire), etc. 


Nobody wants to have to constantly worry about what will happen to their kids/friends/family members when they are out in the streets. It is also tiring and upsetting that you can no longer go outside without worrying about losing your life or endearing yourself everywhere you go. Crime has created a division amongst New Yorkers where we are all distrustful of each other and feel anxiety when around a large group of people.  


So if there is an opportunity to maximize your safety and make you feel safer when outside, Why not take it? 


By giving everyone a dangerous accessory device, it will increase the accessibility to ask for help when in more serious situations where a NYC citizen cannot call or stop by a police department. This device will work as a way to track down danger and assist the arrest of criminals without making it obvious the authorities have been called. It will be a GPS where if you press the button it will send the police department a signal that you are in danger/need of help and it will pinpoint your exact location as you move. This device will come as bracelets and necklaces which will help conceal the actual purpose of it. If you are in a situation where you are not able to press the button you can also turn on the psychological criminal detecting device which causes the accessory to take out a small needle which you will use to prick a drop of blood out of the criminal in which the watch will send into the police department and they will be able to determine what the criminal looks like and any other crimes they have committed. The user also has the option to insert a picture of them through an online app or a written description in case they want to avoid any confusion with others around. 


This device should remain concealed to criminals and others with bad intentions. New Yorkers should meet up on designated locations posted on the news and media with timings on where to get it and the timing. The news will also demonstrate a picture of both options with the addition of a video on how it works/how to set it up.


Some claims may be made that…


Accessories are not durable: Accessories are made out of Tungsten metal which is the most durable material for Jewelry. 


Accessories will be easy to detect: It will look like any regular piece of jewelry. No notable characteristics


Criminals can get access to this: Everyone that gets one will be entered into a database for warranty purposes and accessory has to be picked up from certain locations

This will not lower crime rates: Criminals will be weary of this device because they will not be sure if their victim has it and will second guess their crime