A Modest Proposal

Many people suffer from poverty and that’s nothing new. The rate keeps increasing everyday. In the 2020 census it tells us that the rate was 11.4 percent, up 1.0 percentage point from 10.5 percent in 2019. Also in 2020, there were 37.2 million people in poverty, approximately 3.3 million more than in 2019. Poverty is not having enough money to meet basic needs including food, clothing and shelter. The problem is worth solving since on the federal scale, the poverty rate in NYC was 14.5% in 2019 exceeding the national average by 4 points. Also because the people that are in poverty don’t have enough resources which means that they don’t have the best things. It can include not having food, clean water, housing, clothing and so much more. 

Many people have money problems for many different reasons. It could be that they are unemployed, inexperienced, lack savings, having debt and so much more. The government already provides many opportunities but not enough or not many qualify for it. Also some might not be able to apply for the opportunity or are not informed. Which happens a lot. 

Many people don’t have English as their first language so they aren’t taking advantage of the opportunities. Since they aren’t informed in a language that they understand, they don’t know that they can receive benefits. Many providers from their families can’t give their families the basic things they need which is the reality for many. Yes, saying they can just get a job is easy but having to look for it is not. There are job requirements that many don’t have, the basic thing could be the language or not having experience. Which is the case of many so they can provide for their families which is the unfortunate reality for many. 


Money problems are something that everyone has. But for the people that fall into the poverty line we could give them money. We could give them money weekly. Receiving money weekly would benefit anyone who falls into the poverty line. They could get money which would help them provide necessities for their families. We can print lots more money and get money from fundings. So instead of funding the wrong things we could give money to the people directly. For example instead of funding so much in libraries we can give money out to people instead and it would be more beneficial to the people. 

It would benefit the economy in many ways. It could lead to economic growth which would decrease poverty. It would decrease poverty since that would mean that the economy needs more work which would lead to employment and giving them the weekly money would be beneficial to both the people and economy. Which wouldn’t disappoint the government since it reflects well on them.

So if we do take the funding away from libraries it wouldn’t be a problem because of economic growth. Economic growth increases job employment which means that even if libraries close and people don’t have jobs there will be other jobs waiting for them. We are not closing all the libraries which means that people will still have access to them. 

 Also poverty has more of an impact on how future generations are raised. Poverty includes many health risks like cancer, mental illness, malnutrition and much more. Another thing is that children that are born into poverty are much more likely to have lower birth weight which isn’t good since they are at risk of death. 

Who doesn’t want free money? Especially if it will help them. It can help them to afford housing, food, clothes and other stuff. Even extra things that they want. Ask anyone they would gladly receive the money. 

For any business owners it is beneficial to them as well. Their profits would go up since many more people will buy from them since they can afford it. 


Although we all wish to have free money- either by printing money or taking the money out of funds- it’s not possible because it could create inflation which would be bad. ​​Inflation would raise prices, lowering your purchasing power. Inflation also lowers the values of pensions, savings, and Treasury notes. Assets such as real estate and collectibles usually keep up with inflation. Variable interest rates on loans increase during inflation. Which would create problems like price increasing too much, many wouldn’t save money, the value of the dollar would decrease. If the price increases it wouldn’t matter if people earn more since it would be the same thing. Also if people just spend and spend, people won’t save if they know that they will get money weekly. 

Also if we keep giving people money many programs will be withdrawn. Taking out these programs that help people like housing, SSI, medicaid, food assistance and much more would leave more people in poverty since some get what they need from those programs. Taking money out from other fundings like santaiation would mean that our city wouldn’t clean it would be dirtier. 

Poverty needs to be addressed since many are going through it and don’t know what is out there in order to receive help. There are many options but they need to be told to the people in a way they can understand. Since many people that are in poverty are blacks and hispanics.