Jeffrey Dahmer, the most known serial killer in 2022
Jeffrey Dahmer is most known as a Milwaukee cannibal. Jeffrey Dahmer is also known for killing 17 people. He would go to gay bars and attract men to come with him. He drugged them, took them to his house, performed a type of sexual activity with them, killed them by strangulation, and kept their bodies in his fridge and drum containers. He kept their skulls on top of his computer. He ate people’s hearts, thighs, and organs, and he even fried them sometimes. How insane can a person be to have the mentality that Jeffrey had?
This wild man did not have the best childhood but “he is insane and just because he had a bad childhood it doesn’t give him the right to kill people, I had a bad childhood but I don’t go around killing people,” said Trent, a junior at the iSchool.
Jeffery had a bad childhood, which is portrayed in the Netflix show. His parents didn’t care about him, his mother left him in a house when Jeffery was just a teen, and his dad barely checked up on Jeffrey. Therefore, many people justify his actions with his horrible childhood. But none of the victims were the ones to blame for his unfortunate childhood.

Jeffrey murdered his victims and kept polaroids of them to remember them in their pure and human selves. Jeffrey was successful in murdering 17 people: Steven Hicks—Steven Tuomi—Jamie Doxtator—Richard Guerrero—Anthony Sears, Raymond Smith—Edward W. Smith—Ernest Miller—David C. Thomas—Curtis Straughter—Errol Lindsey—Anthony Hughes—Konerak Sinthasomphone—Matt Turner—Jeremiah Weinberger—Oliver Lacy—Joseph Bredeh according to seventeen
The show on Netflix that remembers Jeffrey is named “Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story.” The show became popular quickly, and almost everyone had seen a clip of the series or had watched the full series. But people had different feelings about this. Many people believe Netflix is horrific for giving this man this much attention after everything he did but on the other hand, other people said Netflix is so clever since they spread awareness.
Another reason people believe Netflix is horrific for adding this show to Netflix is because “Netflix didn’t check up on the families of victims to see if they were okay with everything on the show,” said an anonymous freshman. Until now, only 2 families of the victims have spoken up about how uncomfortable and how disrespectful it is to put actors that look like the victim’s families without their permission.
A mother that wasn’t asked for permission is Shirley’s Hughes is Tony’s mom. Tony was one of Jeffreys’s victims, and she spoke out about how she felt the show was portrayed and how people looked at it. According to the New York Post, “I don’t see how they can do that,” “I don’t see how they can use our names and put stuff out like that out there,” Hughes said.

Rita Isabell is the sister of Errol Lindsey. Errol is one of Jeffrey’s victims. Ritas has also spoken out after one of Netflix’s clips about her outburst in court went viral.Many said it was very similar to the real footage from 1992. Rita wrote an article about her feelings in Insider: “When I saw some of the show, it bothered me, especially when I saw myself — when I saw my name come across the screen and this lady saying verbatim exactly what I said. If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought it was me. Her hair was like mine, she had on the same clothes. That’s why it felt like reliving it all over again. It brought back all the emotions I was feeling back then. I was never contacted about the show. I feel like Netflix should’ve asked if we mind or how we felt about making it. They didn’t ask me anything. They just did it.” She expresses how Netflix was only hungry for the money that they were going to make out of the show instead of also being worried about how the kids or the families of the victims felt.
“Netflix made the show like a drama-based show, they made it seem like a fictional show when in reality it wasn’t. They should have made it seem more like a documentary telling a real story,” said an anonymous sophomore at iSchool.
The show was mostly shown to entertain the audience instead of telling a story, or trying to spread awareness. “When I watched before I knew Jeffrey Dahmer was a serial killer, it felt like a fictional series, because it was like a drama show but after finding out it was a real story I felt that Netflix didn’t show Jeffrey as how crazy he was,” said Erick, a middle school student at Dual Language Middle School.
And now the topic in everyone’s minds was if Jeffrey Dahmer should be a Halloween custom or not. Since Halloween was only 40 days away when the Jeffrey series was added to Netflix, people started speculating if dressing up as Jeffrey Damher would be acceptable or not. Again many people had different opinions.

It’s insane how many people actually dressed up as Jeffrey Damher for Halloween. Parents dressed up their kids as Jeffrey for Halloween with a drill. Thousands of people on TikTok cosplayed as Jeffrey Dahmer. It’s disgusting seeing this -people taking this stuff as a joke as if they don’t have compassion for the family’s victims. If you look up on Google “shop Jeffrey Dahmer costume,” you can find many costumes of him, his glasses, his wig, his shirt, and his pants. It is crazy how people will go this low to make money, they literally made merch out of this horrific guy.
Some people who dressed up as Jeffrey have said that people in this generation are just too sensible, they need to learn to take a joke, and that’s not that deep. But it is deep. And people shouldn’t be joking around with this type of stuff.

Most of the customs that people consider “serial killers” are fictional characters for example: ghostface, Chucky, Freddy Krueger, and slenderman. But some of series/movies are based on real events, for example Gacy which is based on John Wayne Gacy an American serial killer, torturous, and rapist that killed at least 33 young girls and boys.
Jeffrey Damher is a misunderstood character. Some people don’t know who he actually is or what he actually did because some people actually defend him and think he’s a good person, when in reality he ended 17 innocent lives. Additionally Jeffrey only targeted black men, so that’s why many people consider him a racist. Jeffrey also didn’t accept the fact that he was gay.