Gun control out of hand

January 20, 2017
Esteban Santiago killed 5 people and injured even more last week when he was able to bring a gun into the Fort Lauderdale airport.
The Second Amendment, along other rules, allows for an unloaded gun to be packed in a suitcase, and under certain circumstances, the ammunition as well. This amendment gives U.S. citizens the right to bear arms, but amendments are not supposed to cause citizens to fear for their safety. There are over 30,000 deaths by firearm per year in the US.
Living in nicer neighborhoods can shelter people, like sophomore Lucas Rivera, to the dangers of guns. The fact that over 4.5 million people in New York City own guns surprised Lucas. “It’s kinda crazy that statistic is true, but I feel safe cause we have the police,” Lucas said. He was flabbergasted at the idea that a man was able to get past security at Fort Lauderdale.
Chemistry teacher, Ms. Behar, says that “I don’t not feel safe,” but just because you’ve never had a bad experience with guns doesn’t mean you never will. Life in a city is much different than one in a suburban area. There is more violence in big cities, which could be a reason why people in places like Texas are so adamantly pro-gun, while some people in places like NYC are just the opposite.
There are over 22 million children living in homes with guns. That’s one in three homes with small children. Sophomore Aidan Bianchi says, “We need stricter gun laws, or people will keep dying.” Over 1500 children younger than the age of 18 die per year from guns. This statistic is astounding. But even with this information, people keep bringing more and more guns into their homes.
Realistically, there is no way that the government could find a way to remove guns from homes without an outpour of angered citizens who claim it’s their right. But there must be a way to keep these people happy and still provide safe conditions for others, it’s just a matter of figuring out what that solution is.