So many good, new songs have dropped since the start of this school year. We’ve gotten albums from artists like Drake, Stufjan Stevens, Victoria Monet, and Troye Sivan, to name a few.
With Quarter 2 recently wrapping up and the weather getting colder, I feel like everyone has been listening to music frequently, whether it be to get through school work or brace the increasingly-freezing walk to the train. Here are some iSchool students and teachers’ recent listens (Grammy season is here so let’s see!):
Mr. Fitts:
Mr Fitts is a huge music fan, to say the least. He always opts to play calming folk music or classic rock hits while students get their work done. Mr. Fitts says that, this fall, he’s been especially into music with Halloween vibes, particularly enjoying songs from the Smashing Pumpkins band.
He’s also recently attended a plethora of concerts; he says, “Right now, I’ve been listening to bands I’ve recently seen, so mainly Depeche Mode and Boygenius — I saw them in concert not too long ago.” Fitts adds that he’s always been a fan of Depeche Mode. For Boygenius, however, he “ got into them because of [his] kids. They really like Phoebe Bridgers.” When I asked Mr. Fitts about any music that reminded him of iSchool he said, “I think boygenius as a band encapsulates iSchool. If I had to pick a song, maybe ‘Me and My Dog’ and ‘Cool About It.’” I love those picks and could for sure see these songs having iSchool energy.

The senior, iNews reporter and editor, Nikki, has great taste in music. She really appreciates songs with layered vocals, interesting undertones, and music that has variety. She says her clutch songs this fall have been Clairos’s “Bags”, Rex Orange County’s “The Shade”, Lana Del Rey’s “Pretty When You Cry”, and “Lavender Kiss” by the band, The Licks. Out of these four tracks “Lavender Kiss” is her favorite. “It’s very mellow and slow. I don’t even know how to describe it, it’s very calming vocals, and the instruments. It has a lot of deeper instrumentals and vocals while also having some higher vocals. I don’t even know how to describe it, it’s very calming vocals, and the instruments are so smooth and deep while having some really good ranges. That combination is really relaxing. It reminds me of sitting at home in the fall, when it’s not too hot and not too cold, and it prepares me for the chaos of winter.”

Mr. Mulroy:
Mr. Mulroy is always playing artists like Daft Punk and MF Doom in class so I was curious to see what he’s listening to right now. He praised the album Hunger for a Way Out by post-punk, rock, band, Sweeping Promises and said he’s been replaying the whole album but the “Cross Me Out” is what he recommends to iSchool. “I like everything about it. I like that it’s bass driven. And I think her voice is gorgeous”. Another song he recommends for iSchool to check out is “Doomsday” by the tender punk pioneer band, Illuminati Hotties. “I always like Indie Rock and Punk Rock and female vocalists”.

Ms. Ly
Ms Ly has mentioned she’s a big RnB girly (same, RnB is honestly the best) and when it comes to recommendations Ms. Ly says Aaliyah and Cassie are always amazing options. I totally agree, you can’t go wrong with them especially now with Cassie, she deserves all the support in the world. Ms Ly also praised the Stufjan Stevens album that came out this October, Javelin. “I like all the songs but I do think There’s a World that has been really good. It’s a good going on a walk song and the whole album is very beautiful.”

Personally I’ve been infatuated with recent releases like Megan Thee Stallion’s “Cobra,” Tinashe’s “Needs,” Miktski’s “My Love is Mine All Mine,” Drake and Yeat’s “IDGAF,” and “Making the Bed” by Olivia Rodrigo. “Cobra” has especially stood out to me. This track is what you call a comeback. Megan uses this song to call out all the BS the media has put her through and open up more about how she’s been feeling personally. Her lyrics are heartbreaking, vulnerable, and clever. Lines like “Ayy, damn I got problems, Never thought a bitch like me would ever hit rock bottom, Man, I miss my parents, Way too anxious, always cancel my plans” strike so many heart chords. The music video is also incredible, which centers around this beautiful metaphor of snakes shedding their skin and growing after the pain from the past. The fact that this is the first single from Megan since she’s gone independent just goes to show how much more she has to say. Although she’s very mainstream, being an independent artist in general is extremely difficult and I think it’s important to try to support more independent artists. I’m so excited to see what Megan will do next with all the new creative freedom she now has. Fingers crossed she’ll give us an album!
