What is our purpose in life?
How do we view that purpose and has it changed over time?
When we die does that mean we have fulfilled our purpose?
Well, everyone’s purpose in life is unique, it all depends on a person’s values, beliefs, and goals.
For some people its personal growth, growing connections, contributing to society, religious fulfillment, a hobby, or even the legacy and impact they would have on mankind. Everyone has a different point of view on how they perceive life, and what their purpose is.
My close friend explained his life’s purpose, which was; “I believe everyone’s purpose in life is different. With that said I believe my purpose in life is to contribute my services to society without bias, to help make a positive impact in as many lives as I can within reason and to rest in peace with no regrets knowing that I tried my best honestly and proudly”
His words are stating that his own purpose is not about personal gain but about creating a lasting impact on others.
He also states that his idea of purpose evolved over the course of his life: “I thought chasing happiness was my purpose until I realized that happiness is the by-product of my purpose in action.”
His experience shows the realization that purpose is more about meaningful work and dedication rather than personal thrill.
Other people like 9th grader Tori thinks that her life’s purpose is; “Just having connections that are meaningful to me, and always trying to be my best.” Tori also explained that “I think it depends on the person, but for myself, I find purpose from others.”
Relationships, whether its family, friends, teachers, or mentors, can create someone’s direction. Eliana shares that, “My mom because she led me through my life and guides me”. This also reflects that one’s purpose is not always found alone but can also be created by those who we look up to.
Still, some people struggle with the idea of purpose or if it’s real altogether. “I don’t think everyone has a purpose,” multiple people admitted.
Another friend of mine added that, “Sometimes it feels like it’s pointless to do anything if I become dead.”
This statement is a global thought: if life does end, does it even matter what we do? Yet, even those who question purpose acknowledge moments of realization and growth.
My friend reflected on his experience with his struggles, and noticed how it affected his ability to find meaning. However, this issue did not lead to giving up; rather, an opening to understanding himself.
Fear and struggle also plays an important role in shaping our purpose. Eliana says, “If you fear something, you’re not gonna do it.” Fear often holds people back from pursuing their true interests, but tori debates that stating,
“I’ve just always had the mindset that if I wanna do something, fear isn’t gonna stop me.” Overcoming fear is a big step in finding purpose. Facing challenges often ends up in resilience.
Also, trauma and difficult experiences can lead people to rethink their purpose. Eliana notes, “Yes, because if you went through traumatic events, it’s gonna change your purpose.” Pain and struggles can feel like roadblocks, but in the long run you learn from everything you’ve experienced and you change how you view things.
Many people believe that purpose is something we create as we go through life rather than something settled. “We create it as we go,” Eliana simply stated.
Another described the purpose as, “the little moments in life”, suggesting that meaning is not always found in big wins, but in small moments.
For some, purpose is connected to success and personal fulfillment. “I used to think life has no meaning because you just go to school, work, and die unless you’re rich or have a good talent,” Eliana stated.
Tori argues with this view: “I’ve come to realize I’d be more happy with doing what I want…we only have this small amount of time and soon we’re gonna wish we were this age.” The realization that time is limited causes many to redescribe success, focusing less on wealth and more on experiencing youth and passion.
When asked how purpose is found, my friend said: “Your purpose comes from within, but you shape your purpose with your environment and the people around you”. Others see it as the environment, “It depends where I wake up, if I woke up poor or rich”.
This shows how someone’s accessibility can change a path someone goes down, though it doesn’t necessarily determine the ability to find meaning.
The desire to leave a legacy or be remembered in a certain way also plays a role in the understanding of purpose. My friend stated, “I would like to be remembered as a person who had pride in achieving happiness and joy from my purpose.”
Two of my friends explained how their fathers shaped their understanding of purpose. One stated, “My father has had the biggest impact on how I view purpose”. The other said, “My dad because one day, I wanna be able to provide for my kids like he has done for me and my siblings.”
Their perspectives show how role models, especially parents, can influence our sense of direction and the values we carry through our lives.
There are many people who feel lost, the advice offered is very thoughtful. “Try new things, look for the things you do like” was one suggestion. Another said, “Not to get too greedy and stay true to yourself rather than just show off”.
The message is clear: purpose is not something handed to us–it must be found and embraced over time.
Even though the purpose is deeply personal, it often connects with the global human experience. Our search for meaning connects us to one another, through shared struggles, creativity, and bonds. The journey itself is a part of what gives life its own uniqueness.
“Purpose can be found in all moments, small or grand.”