Trump’s actions so far

Trump giving a speech to Congress; Mike Pence and Paul Ryan are behind him.
March 16, 2017
From his election in November to his inauguration in January, President Trump was talking all about what he was going to put in place; at the time it seemed like nonsense. Turns out it wasn’t really nonsense at all. Only one week into his term, President Trump placed a travel ban on seven countries in the middle east.
“It’s all the wrong places” says Aidan Bianchi, “He banned countries that terrorists aren’t coming from.” This was highly irregular and goes against most of the country’s history; America was built from immigrants.
As well as the Muslim ban, Trump also has planned to repeal Obamacare. It’s not clear as to when this will take effect, but without a proper plan in place, millions of people could end up without health insurance.
Trumps behavior is overall distasteful. “He’s childish and immature,” said sophomore Ryohei Shima. Recently Trump accused former President Barack Obama of wiretapping his phones at Trump Towers. Since there was no evidence to back up Trumps claims, it should be known as misconduct by the highest official of the executive branch, yet James Comey decided to launch a full investigation.
Just recently on the 28th of February, during his speech to congress, it seemed that Trump had a new tone of respect and was slightly less riled up. “There’s two Trumps. Every president, to a degree, talks out of two sides of their mouth. But this guy is on a level beyond what anybody’s seen,” said Bill Maher, “The bad part of this is, it will fool a lot of people,” Maher warned.
Overall, Trump’s actions are somewhat atrocious, maybe even more so than nixon during the watergate scandal. But will Trump be impeached? And if so, when? What with the new standards that trump has set, who could know.