Should Donald Trump be impeached?

Alliyah Logan, Section Editor

The Donald Trump presidency has been anything but an easy journey full of wins. Since his big win in November, the President has made some policies that many Americans would classify as going against American morals.

The iSchool student and staff all have contradicting opinions on politics in general let alone the Trump Presidency. This question turned a few heads: should Trump be impeached?

Mr. Laurro a teacher at the iSchool, doesn’t support Trump. Mr. Laurro states: “I don’t think he has accomplished anything. It’s a strange question because of how delicate it is.”

Donald Trump has promised many things, and he broken a lot of the them. Mr. Laurro continued by saying: “He said he was going to do a lot of things, and he hasn’t done anything yet especially for health care.He would really have to radically change his mind, and prove the population that he is for the people.”

Sophomore Nina Roberts, who is a Trump supporter, fully believes that Trump deserves another chance but he could have an open mind set. Nina stated: “He hasn’t done anything wrong yet so no he shouldn’t be impeached either than the the immigration plan.” She continues to say, “I think he needs to do a little more research on the Arabic community and the fact they’re all not terrorist.”

Daniela Lopez, a sophomore at the iSchool, believes that the Trump Presidency could be dismembered . She states, “I personally think he should be impeached because hate crimes have definitely risen and I think he has caused a lot of controversy.” She continued on to state, “ If I could have voted I would have never voted for Trump, he said a lot of things targeting groups that I disagree with.” –

Goshumai Tineo, a sophomore, believes that Trump should change his attitude: “I think that the things Trump has said and done and overall how he has been doesn’t show a good representation of America. If I could have voted I would have voted for Hillary because America needed change, and not the Trump kind.”

Zach Taylor, a freshman who completely despises the Trump Presidency, still believes that anyone can change. He wants Trump to change certain things in his presidency: “I would like him to be more accepting for a wide variety of people.” Zach tries to be positive when it comes to Trump’s phrase “We’re gonna win so much you’re gonna get tired of winning” by stating, “ I like to think we are winning as a country because everyone has it’s flaws just like any country.”

Overall, the Trump presidency has been a big headache. Many people have diverse opinions on whether on not Trump should be impeached. Some want him to be impeached and others want him to stay as president. Many Americans are in a gray area where they don’t want to keep Trump but they don’t want Mike Pence. Daniela was one that confirmed this theory, “Trump being impeached is a hard topic because no one wants Mike Pence either.”