Is New Always Improved?


Desaun Slocombe-Robinson

This is the new smart board from a student’s perspective

Have you noticed the new technology in your classrooms? Does it help your learning at all? Or is it just the Apple Watch to your “iPhone, not really needed but cool if you splurge on it a little?

At the NYC iSchool, technology utilized in teacher’s lessons and can improve students’ education. Recently, the iSchool has installed flat screens in several classrooms as an update for SMART Boards and whiteboards. Some teachers have benefited from them, while others have not. There is a difference between these two as the SMART board allows the benefits of a presentation along with along with the opportunity to write on the board, in contrast the new flat screens are more of a projection with limited interface possibilities. For the sake of understanding let’s refer to the older version of the  SMART Board as a projector and the newer ones as flat screen

Flat screens are beneficial to only some students who prefer note taking and visuals off a screen rather than a more personal way of learning through teachers writing on the SMART board while students are engaging with the lesson and teacher, one on one. A main reason teachers at the iSchool teach here is because they believe teaching through technology is most beneficial, “I wouldn’t be working at the ischool if that was the most effective way of teaching,” Kate Coleridge, a math teacher at the iSchool says about traditional teaching.

Andrew Fitts says, “I’m not a huge fan of it [traditional teaching] just because I think students learn in different ways,” which is a large aspect of the NYC iSchool.

The idea that students learn best by different techniques is a main reason why different types of technology are provided in the school.

Many teachers choose, to their liking, what they think the more beneficial way they could teach their class. Fitts adds, “I like using pretty much any type of technology, I try to do different things…

I like to show things visually on the SMART board [projector]… I’m also a fan of students working on their own and at their own pace.” For Fitts, the technology at the iSchool has been extremely useful in his teaching and lesson techniques.

Students seem to benefit with technology in their classes as well, “I prefer learning from the SMART board [projectors] and flat screens because it makes everything easier to view for me, and usually if things are done on a flat screen they are also accessible online which is really helpful,” sophomore Bella Maiuri Winter says.

Winter continues, “I definitely don’t miss the method of writing on a chalkboard, I prefer the flat screens a lot more….I think learning at iSchool would be way different without technology. Most classes use technology as a key component whether it’s for teaching content or for students to show they’ve learned it.”

Riley White, a senior, says,, “I think SMART boards [projectors] are the most efficient way of learning. It’s up to date technology, and a part of modern learning. It’s also very fun to use, and very interactive.”

SMART board projectors and flat screens allow students to stay engaged, involving technology in the twenty first century is an innovative way to educate teenagers. Today, teenagers all over the world use technology. At the iSchool, it’s all about how students and teachers can use technology to their advantage. Technology is enjoyable to students because it’s visual and interactive.

Winter admits, “I think that sometimes they [flat screens] can end up overpowering the actual content and it can take away from the experience of learning in a classroom.” This brings awareness to the issue of too much visual. After all, students need to be learning in a classroom, not just watching videos or looking at example images.he technology should be adding to the content, not overpowering it.

Too much technology usage can also draw setbacks and distract students from the actual concept and importance of a class.

Even though technology usage in schools, especially iSchool, may be distracting at times, in most cases students enjoy technology usage over traditional chalkboard-based teaching. Having visuals and interactive activities allows students to stay engaged, “when I was younger, I didn’t understand how to use technology like we do now, but I like the modern way of learning using technology. I feel like I would’ve been more engaged if we had SMART boards [projectors] as kids because it’s more fun and hands on, but I didn’t mind using the erase boards,” White explains.

Fitts admits, “I haven’t really used them [flat screens].” But already has an idea of how he can include them in his geometry lessons given the inability to write directly on it, “I think I could interface with them [the flat screens] using my ipad, so I can actually draw stuff on my ipad and have it appear on the flat screen.” As a student that has had Mr. Fitts for Geometry it can be said that he does enjoy writing directly on the projector most of the time, even though at times when the projector’s writing feature isn’t working he resorts to software interface between two devices.

Some might say that the new and improved flat screens aren’t actually a necessity but more so a want. As one senior who did not want to be named said, “it’s very interesting how there are all these new [flat screens] when there are things in the iSchool that can use the money. They’re [the flat screens] cool and all but they can be put to better use.”

It is clear that there will be controversy over this as the iSchool is expanding and people are longing to see that the school keeps up with these advances. “While yes it’s visually pleasing, I’m not sure if we actually need these new boards, I don’t find myself learning any more different than I actually would with the regular SMART boards [projector].”

So, we pose the question again, “Is new always improved [here at the ischool]?” There are many answers to this question. es, the new slick look of the board as a whole might lead to students being more engaged in lectures. While on the other hand, there are a lot of things that the money can be used for.

What do you think: Is the “new” in the iSchool improved?