Times are changing, guys. No one expects us to wear skinny jeans and baggy shirts anymore. Go thrifting. Wear your parents’ clothes. Try something because there are 104 days of summer vacation and school comes along just to end it… I’m getting off track but try something. Here is a collection of ideas for summer outfits.
Summer nights get chilly. Light wash jeans and a faded tee can keep you warm and cool.Maybe throw an old work shirt over your outfit. This can be a very inexpensive accessory.The best part of blue jeans is their practicality. Going for a picknick? Wear blue jeans. Painting, wear blue jeans. Playing basketball, wear blue jeans.The best shirts are the ones you can’t find anywhere else. Thrifting for shirts is a great way to individualize your style and save money during the process.Warm colors, people! The summer is the perfect time to wear all your reds, yellows, oranges and anything in between.Summer nights do get chilly, so my advice is to wear sweaters from spring/summer collections because of the thinner material used to make them.White shirts. Dark pants. What can go wrong? Just remember black or white shoes are essentials for any time of the year.A real throwback fit. Have you ever watched an old western movie? Or seen contractors work on a house? Same idea. Blue jeans and a tucked in white shirt.This is for the peak of the summer. Basketball shorts and longer socks to soak up the sweat.Stripes are bold. Layering is subtle. Why not combine the two, with shorts that match the color of the stripes. It makes the shirt pop out.Reflective gear has been a trend lately, but too much of it can be overwhelming. Fine stripes or details along pants or shorts is just the right amount of flare.Graffiti styled lettering across shirt was popular a few years ago. What happened? Bring it back, guys!Eventually, summer will end and the weather will start slipping back into a cold spell. Salvage the days you have with ripped jeans for as long as possible.Darker, cool colors fit best in winter weather, but get ahead of the game and start rocking your grays in the fall!
Zachary Taylor is the section editor for the Arts and Entertainment section. He enjoys learning about his heritage, reading, and writing on his free time....
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