Doors. We use them in our day to day lives, but most people never take the time to examine the door and appreciate its function. At the NYC iSchool, the doors have many similarities and differences. But which door is the best door?
Room 405 door: Condition is good, but the placement of signs threw me off. 7.5/10.Unnamed door opposite 404: Very plain door with no name. Disappointed. 2.5/10.Room 509 Door: No design or posters and plain. 4/10.Room 415 Door: The door has many wonderful decorations and little to no scratches or paint that has fallen off. 8/10.Room 402 Door: Cool rectangle design, window and sign placements are good. 9/10.Room 511 Door: Lots of signs and good placement. 8/10.Samuel Dexter Dore: Great colors with a cool hat. 10/10.Room 513 Door: The texture of this door feels rough and old and the scrapes near the handle also show that it is not in good condition. 4/10.Room 506 Door: Amazing color. Great condition and style, except for one little scrape. 9.5/10.Room 507 Door: Great sign placement and colors. No scrapes and good condition. 9/10.Room 512 Door: Good window and poster placements. 8/10.Short door next to 404: Too small. Does not function as a door should for the average human. 1/10.Room 514 Door: Cool sign placements, but it looks like it is almost falling off. 7/10.Room 408 Door: A few small scrapes with decent sign placement. The window looks weird. 6.5/10.Room 508 Door: Cool signs and window placement and very functional. 9/10.
Jye Bloome is a NYC iSchool sophomore. He is a copy editor for the Humor and Opinion sections of iNews. Jye loves sports such as basketball and football,...
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