Music makes you live longer: How students are impacted by music

Teen at subway holding headphones

Genesis Osorio

In today’s society, music is everywhere, and we are constantly surrounded by it. Whether that music ranges from Classical to Rock and Roll, music has taken over like a storm. With new technology and the uprising musicians, it has become easier to get a hold of music, especially for high school students.

When walking through hallways with students rushing to get to class, without a doubt you will spot a pair of headphones and the blasting music along with it. With the school’s long and dreadful hours, music can make those drawn-out school days more enjoyable.

Adriany Abreu, who is currently a freshman, explains how she believes that music is important as she hears it every day. From the car on the way to school to parties taken place over the weekend, music is consistently all around her. Josh Diaz or Lil Snoopy as he is referred to as, who is a Freshman that attends Manhattan Business Academy, explains how music is apart of who he is and is a way to express himself.

“Spanish Trap is my favorite kind of music because I was raised with it always playing around the house with my mom singing it and as I grew up it really never changed. Spanish Trap is just me ya know.” Since her music is so accessible on her phone, she is able to shuffle her favorite song, get in the mood, and start her day of school.

From in between classes to after school, students on average spend more than 4.5 hours a day listening to music. Though this may sound like an excessive amount, according to Ashford University’s recent study, “Research has shown that listening to music is associated with upticks in immunity-boosting antibodies and cells that protect against bacteria and other invaders. Music has also proven to be effective across a variety of treatment scenarios for conditions ranging from premature birth to depression to Parkinson’s disease.” Beyond simply making you feel good, music can even be good for your health proving just how important music is to students.

Music helps people focus. With the constant volume and noise that occurs during school, music could be a solution. Plugging in your headphones and kicking back as the music fills your ears can be relaxing and may help students remember important information. Another study was conducted, which included developers from software companies: “Researchers observed their work environments during a five-week period. Besides keeping a positive attitude, the quality of their work was higher when music was playing. Also, their efficiency at completing tasks was better when hearing background music.”

According to Safe Supportive Learning , music will “enhance the learning processes in your school”.

Our attitudes can be affected by music. It can affect energy levels and feelings. Researchers discovered positive moods when music was playing in the background. For students, that exposure to music can improve learning and increase positive classroom atmosphere. Safe Supportive Learning explains how having “active engagement with music can impact the way that the brain can process information, enhancing the perception of language and speech, and subsequently improving our ability to communicate with others and learn to read”. Music has suggested that it can reduce aggressive behavior and regulate moods, particularly feelings of anxiety and stress for students.

When artist are making and developing music they decided what kind of mood they want the listener to feel. Whether that is happy, sad, angry and etc. these different kinds and types of music are meant to have you feel a certain way. Josh Diaz, explains how when composing his music, “I think about the people who are going to listen to it and I want my music to make them feel energized and for them to get up and dance”. Josh, as well as many artists, target their music towards a specific group of people. Depending on how the mood is conveyed through these songs, students are left with the impact that carries around with them during school.

Everyone has a different taste, though that taste is different, each person takes joy from listening to their favorite song.  

An anonymous iSchool student talked about how a song certain lyrics can change their mood, “For example, when I listen to classical music it sometimes makes me feel kinda sad because some of the lyrics are deep or just make me feel a particular way”. As music has different parts to it, each key component swings the listener to a certain direction.

Music has been around for centuries and the more technology evolves and over time becomes better, the more impact it will create worldwide. In today’s society, students are majorly affected by music. With new artists and new kinds of music paired with new phones and new headphones, there is no doubt that students have been positively impacted by music.