Vibe check

November 6, 2019
Throughout my time taking photos, I have decided that my theme would be the different moods that I experience throughout the day. They were all taken on different weeks outside of the iSchool. The first one radiated a depression vibe, with me looking into the distance (similar to the third photo), and it was taken by my friend after school. The second picture was taken more recently than the others, and it shows me posing powerfully, so I emit some leadership energy. The third picture was a very last minute picture and features me sitting on a chair under a bunch of beams (huddling up since I was cold that day). And in the last picture, I have a happy vibe, which contrasts most of the other pictures. This was taken on a very sunny day, which is unlike the other picture days where it was mostly overcast and raining. Generally, the weather plays a big role in how we look at pictures, and what kind of emotions they evoke. An overcast day might make a person feel somber, while a bright, sunny day will call forth a light, cheerful vibe. Hopefully, when people look at these pictures they could relate to the moods I’m feeling, but frankly, it could evoke any emotion. Different settings and poses make people feel different ways, so any felt emotion would be a success in my book.