Is the iSchool a technology-based school?


Fatima Moreira, Section Editor

When you first heard the name of our school, NYC iSchool, did you wonder if it was a technology school? If so, did you think that because of the “i”? Most people equate the “i” with iPhones or iMac.

At the iSchool, each classroom is equipped with a set of computers due to the fact that most classes are online. This gives off the impression that this school is technology-based.

While some may argue that the iSchool is based on 21st Century Learning, I believe that the our school is technological.

Sophomore Olivia Matz said, “I think it is technology-based school, because we all get emails and assignments from our teachers and communicate with them online.”

In a technology based school they have classes that are all online, technology opportunities, and classes that teach how to use it. So what gives the impression that the iSchool is technological if it does not include any of those factors?

Olivia Toussaint, a freshmen at the iSchool believes that the fact that we have “computers and most of our work is electronic” gives the impression that the iSchool is technological.

Zikiya Otoo, a Junior at the iSchool, also feels like “the computers we have in this school” gives off an aura of a technological school.

On many occasions, people have criticized what technology has done to human lifestyles. For example, the on-going argument about whether or not professional journalism is dying. Many argue that it is dying because of technologies ability to make a blog and write about anything. However, journalism is just changing, and change is not necessarily a bad thing.

The fact that our school can be perceived as a technological school is not a bad thing. Technology can be a route of change and the whole mission of the iSchool is to make it so that it is not like other schools so in my opinion, the iSchool is technology-based.