The life of a typical student athlete

Fritz Desir, Section Editor

Becoming an athlete is not easy for everyone, especially if you want to join your school team (sometimes), but when it comes to being a student and an athlete, that’s where matters get worse. Becoming a good athlete takes time and effort, and especially with a game like a basketball, you need lots of time to work on your game and become a better player. 

Along with sports comes school, and you need to learn how to balance it all out and be nice on the court. School takes the same effort as sports and having to be both can be difficult. Here is the typical life of an iSchool student-athlete. 

I am packing my stuff for the basketball game that I have today.



This is the 2 and 3 train stop located on 116 and 5th Ave that I take every day to school. I usually get there at 8:15 a.m so I can arrive at the iSchool on time and still have time to hang out with my friends in the Commons. It usually says that it takes me 40 minutes to get to school, but it’s honestly like 20 minutes.


Waiting for the 2 or 3 train (116th street stop) to arrive so I can arrive at school on time and not be late for any of the classes that I have today.


This is the NYC iSchool, which is located on 131 6th Ave, New York, NY 10013. Currently, I’m a freshman, and this place one of the best schools I’ve ever attended. I’m really grateful for the people and the community that I was able to build. I arrived at school at 8:35 on a brisk Monday morning.


Every morning I head off to Ms. Colon’s room just to kill some time and hanging out with my friends. She’s also my advisor. It is currently almost 9 o’clock and my first-period class is Living Environment.
This is my Living Environment classroom. Here we learn about life in terms of the science behind our bodies and the world around us. This picture is of freshman Aliana and I working on a lab. This class went from 9:03 a.m to 9:57 a.m.


Now that Living Environment and a couple of periods went by, it’s time for lunch. For lunch today I went with my friends, Jayden and Marquis, to get $1 pizza located near the basketball court that we like to play on. Because I don’t go to $1 that often and the walk back to the school isn’t far, I still had time left to hang with my friends up in the Commons.
After lunch, I had iNews with Ms. Mangano. This is me working on this photo essay. After this class, I left at 2:40 p.m to arrive at my game that was located in Ozone Park, which is deep in Queens, so it took me more than 1 hour to get there and get back.


This is the Chelsea/iSchool Lions standing on Spring Street on their way to the basketball game that we played against John Adams High School. We are walking to the C and E train stop (Spring Street) on a nice, grey Tuesday afternoon. The city is currently a little crowded with people trying to head home. Although we haven’t won a game yet, we kept our heads up high and are working on teamwork.
We arrive at John Adams High School after a rough 1 and 15-minute train ride. We are all hyped up and ready to get this win.
After getting ready and getting our jersey’s on, we headed inside to the nice facility of John Adams High School. The bright blue colors of the court are welcoming. This picture shows the team getting ready for the game that we have with simple drills like layup lines and free throw shots.
The game has started and our team is not doing the best right now. We are losing by quite a bit and everyone on the team is out of it. We are trying to stay in communication and talk but it’s not going so well. Our defense is getting better, but we’re trying to get the ball up the court with minimum turnovers is going to be hard.
The game is midway and our team seems to be doing a little bit better. In the photo, we see Frank Tann taking free throws due to the other team having 6 guys on the court. Whenever this happens in basketball, that team receives a tech and the other team shoots 2 free throws. Free throws are one of the most technical shots in basketball ever. They take lots of time and effort to truly master.
In the end, even though we lost, this game was hard-fought, and I’m really proud of my team and the chemistry that we showed tonight. Currently, we haven’t won a game, but I know sometime in the near future we will improve and work more as a team. After the game, we all got something to eat and talked to the coach about our next practice or game.
After a sad loss, I arrive at my house near 8 p.m on more of a humid Monday night. My body is very sore, and I’m filled with sweat and hard-working tears. I arrive in my apartment, take a nice cold shower, finished some homework, and rested. This is the typical day of a student-athlete.