iSchool student thinks he could rappel down side of building

The 5-story Building in Question

The 5-story Building in Question

Easton Brashares, Reporter

Rappelling down a 5 story building is no easy feat. It is one that requires years of specialized training and athletic prowess to be able to safely lower oneself down a sheer edge. One student, however, believes he could accomplish the task of scaling the iSchool building without breaking a sweat.

The student in question is an iSchool sophomore by the name of Nick X, who holds the athletic title of passing the first quarter of phys ed.“I don’t see why everyone laughs at my idea, I think going down the building would be a cakewalk.” he says. Nick has been attracted to the idea for years, unfortunately others do not share his sentiment. Despite the fact that harnessless rappelling is a skill developed over the course of many years and requires extreme physical strength, xx thinks he would be up to the task. “I think people exaggerate when they talk about how much training and strength you need to rappel, in my current physical state, I don’t think I would have any problems.” Nick notes his regular consumption of protein packed Slim Jims as a factor in his perceived physical build.

He believes that, in addition to being physically up to the task, finding the materials to accomplish it would not be a challenge. “I bet I could find a 100 ft piece of rope at any random hardware store,” he says, motioning towards the spring street counterfeit bazaar. “It wouldn’t even have to be any sort of high tech rope, I could probably do it with any old piece of woven string, I could even use some glue to repair tiny splits and I would be good to go.” When asked how you actually rappel, xx said that it “probably involved pressing a little button or something”

Nick says that, given the chance, he would most certainly take the opportunity to rappel down the side of the NYC iSchool.