Having ADHD in an environment that isn’t designed for you: Interactive


Lily Jennings

For my senior project, I decided to make a board game representing and depicting some of the struggles of being a student with ADHD or ADD in an education system that wasn’t designed with their brains in mind. I was diagnosed with ADHD in my freshman year which is typically pretty late to get a diagnosis. Prior to my evaluation, I had to navigate school on my own without accommodations, extra support and the knowledge that I am neurodivergent. For this project, I wanted to find a way for neurotypical people to have some sort of insight on the kind of struggles people with ADHD/ADD face in a learning environment, and how people without the ADHD/ADD brain might possibly contribute to the problem. My game operates similarly to Candyland and the Game of Life where the players move down a path in order to get to the finish while avoiding setbacks along the way. I included symbols on the pathway that I expanded on in my video. One aspect of my game that I feel is important are the comments. If a player lands on a speech bubble symbol, they have to pick up a corresponding card and read out the comment on it. Most of the comments on the card are things people have said to me multiple times that ended up being extremely harmful and invalidating, so I felt it was necessary for people without ADHD/ADD playing the game to see the kind of impact their words have.