Children’s Book Design: A Module


Bryant Garcia and Easton Brashares

After weeks of researching the art of storytelling, the students of the Children’s Book Design module are in the final stages of preparing their books for publication. The students of this module have enjoyed many things about it, ranging from teaching the importance of moral storytelling to the pleasure of creating their own original work of art.

To learn more about the topic,we interviewed one of the students who took the class and discussed the final product.

“I think that this class has taught me a lot about not only the art of storytelling and conveying meaningful messages, but also the joy of creating a piece of art that you can claim as your own work,” said Brianly Urena ‘18.

In this module, students are given the freedom to create their own story, fairytale, or fable. Following this, they create their own unique  illustrations and create it into their own children’s book and display it at an elementary school in Brooklyn.

She also said that “This class taught me the satisfaction of seeing your idea come to fruition in the form of a book; it really made me appreciate the effort other artists put into their craft.”

She then said that the class taught her about the art of storytelling and morals, and how to implement them into a story while still keeping it entertaining and fulfilling for the reader.

“We learned a lot about subtle messages, story arcs, and personification. The class not only helped me learn how to make a book for a child, but also how to make a good story in general.”

Brianly strongly recommends the class to anyone considering it.

King Temple, ‘20, said that the module “Seems like a lot of fun. This is definitely something I would like to take. I like literature and I like illustrations, so this module would be something I would love.”

The class is taught by Ms. Smith and is available to be taken next quarter.