Saturday Night Live: Joking or attacking?

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Saturday Night Live, or SNL, is quite possibly one of the bravest and/or stupidest shows on earth. As the actors making fun in their own words our new “orange, stupid, soul eating president” and his new “best buddy PUTIN!!!”
SNL had has been mocking our new about our new President-elect Donald Trump since he started his campaign SNL has continued to cause tension as they express their dissatisfaction of the election. Originally, after the elections were over SNL would stop their rants on the president’s ideas but recently they have not been stopping the so called “hate train”
SNL started in 1975 to show people humility and perhaps learn something about themselves, while “still” getting a laugh (or a million) out of it. They have always shown funny skits about the presidential elections.
The so-called “hate train” is the symbolization of what is happening in the U.S. now it was better recognized here when Trump had made his comments on immigrants and Muslims and when Hillary made hers on Trump himself .
Through all of this they have made fun of many things our president-elect has done It had started small making fun of things Trump had said, like how he has “small hands,” but now some are making fun of his many wives, and how while working with him has “drained away their souls and they are lifeless husks now”. People see it as funny while others see it as an attack on their political beliefs. Mr. Snyder, English teacher at the iSchool, said “no, because they have jokes on both sides of the election (referring to Hillary Clinton), they are simply taking what society is commenting on” when I had asked if SNL was specifically attacking Trump.
Some students of the iSchool sees it as as a funny thing to as Lucas of the iSchool says “The SNL skits are just adapting to the times it really doesn’t matter what the people who are angry at it think they do funny skits and as long as they are funny it is ok” “S.N.L can do what they want it is just a funny show”said Sharlet Seifert
SNL first aired in 1975 to show people humility and perhaps learn something about themselves, while “still” getting a laugh (or a million) out of it. They have always shown funny skits about the presidential elections
Overall, the issue is still controversial and will most likely remain once President-elect Donald Trump is in office.
Sabiq is a 14 year old freshman who loves playing video games. "I love games especially dark souls." He wishes to make a video game, more specifically...