The importance of exercise for your body and mental health
January 24, 2022
“I feel a lot more comfortable in my body because of exercise. Being overweight was not a great feeling for me. I felt depressed, unmotivated to work, constantly tired, and my cravings for fatty foods were insane. I love being/staying in shape, as I feel I can take on the world and try new things. I’m more motivated to keep working and creating a better version of myself,” said iSchool physical education teacher Mr. Lindo.
Mr. Lindo said about himself due exercise and being active. He explains how exercise has improved his body and mind.
We have all heard it many times before – regular exercise is good for you, and it can help you lose weight. But to really understand exercise and the effect of it, we need to dig deeper in terms of what it does for our bodies.
There are many exercises that can benefit you. From arm to back to legs. These can all improve your body greatly and in different ways. Not only physically but internally as well. There
Exercise improves body weight, body structure, and decreases health risks, as well as improving self-image and eventually boosting mental well being.
A way exercise improves your body by building muscle throughout your body, and this happens when we try to challenge the body to deal with high amounts of weights by fusing the fibers in the body, which increases the mass and the weight of the muscle. This also helps your body look more toned and defined due the increase of muscle and mass.
Having a high amount of muscle and mass can make you stronger and decrease the levels of fat in your body, which is vital to improving your health and stamina. Having amounts of muscle can also help have higher energy in your body and as well as reduce the likelihood of chronic diseases in your body, which will be explained more later in the article. “Yes I have. I have noticed an increase in muscle mass and an increase in stamina.” My Boyfriend Gavin, says he noticed in his body when regularly working out.
Building weight and mass all over your body is important for your health. Working out improves your posture because when strengthening your back and shoulder muscles, it helps tighten your back and engages your core. It also helps your motor skills, improves how you push, pull and press using your arms and back, as well as extend and flex your arms and wrist due to the increase of muscle in your body.
People wouldn’t think that exercising can improve skin, but there has been some research on this. According to The Top 10 Benefits of Exercise, “Even though intense and exhaustive physical activity can contribute to oxidative damage, regular moderate exercise can actually increase your body’s production of natural antioxidants, which help protect cells. In the same way, exercise can stimulate blood flow and induce skin cell adaptations that can help delay the appearance of skin aging.”
All sorts of exercise can help improve the blood flow through the body like the ones mentioned before, and others like swimming, jump rope, aerobics, cardio, jogging, running and more.
Upper Body
Exercising your arms can have a strong effect on the rest of your body by improving your coordination throughout your whole body, developing stronger arms, and decreasing the risks for injury. This can also help build your endurance, and improve your balance and agility. It also improves on how you grasp and grip items because you strengthen the muscles in arms and fingers.
Some people wouldn’t think about working out their shoulders or the benefits, but there are quite a few. Having developed shoulders can indicate strength and health due to a lot of upper body mass. Having strong shoulders should be supported by strong back arms and a lean waist. Some exercises to improve your shoulders are seated rear lateral raises, face pulls, dumbbell front raises, 45 incline row, and overhead shoulder press.
Core Workouts
People have seen significant changes when working out the upper body as well. “I feel healthier and more energetic,” iSchool math teacher Mr.Kim states.
Another area to workout is your core and abdomen area of the body. Working out your core trains the muscles in your body like the pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen. By working out these areas in your body, you can help them work t in harmony, and your core is your body support system. They can help tone your abdominal muscles and make it easier to do other activities, such as tie your shoes or get a glass from your cabinet.
Working out your core can also lead to having less fatigue, higher endurance, and less injuries. It also helps to stabilize your body, allowing it to be more balanced and aligned. Strengthening the muscles in your core benefits the lower back because you avoid your body having to resort to using “passive structures” of the back to support and stabilize the area. A passive structure is in the lumbar spine which can include ligaments, spinal bones, and discs. All of these things can cause back pain. Wilson Joseph, Health Digest
High school student Kelysee says, “Yes, my body has improved greatly from exercising and I have noticed that I am more agile on my feet and mentally feel more relaxed.”
Core workout is also linked to better posture and less back pain. “Abs are the front anchor of your spine, if they are weak, then the other structures supporting your spine (your back muscles, for example) will have to work harder.” (Keys Graeme, SpineUniverse).
The back muscles can also count as core muscles because of the way back muscles wrap around the body. Some abdominal workouts to help benefit your back and release pain are the bird dog position that stimulates all of the core musculature and low back paraspinals ( these are long muscles that run down the length of your spine). It also strengthens your core, hips, and back muscles. It also promotes proper posture and increases range of motion.
Another workout is the tabletop leg press, which is called the core connector because of how it engages your core, and the Dead Bug, which is the different parts of the abdominal muscle and hip flexor for strong core contraction. More and in depth information on these exercises are located on Quote.
Some non-abdominal exercises for the back are bent over rows, deadlifts, pull-ups and cable machine rows, rows, squats, pull-ups, push-ups, face pulls, reverse flyers, cable straight arm pulldown, dumbbell one arm rows. These all can help with your posture, form and back pain.
Lower Body
The legs are a large muscle in the body that can improve your mobility, give you more stamina, similar to your arms, and improve your range of motion and coordination
Other benefits of working out the lower body are building muscle, having more toned and sculpted legs, strengthening your core muscles, alleviating lower back pain, improving and managing your stress, improving cognitive function, making you faster and improving your posture.
Leg workouts can also help boost and stimulate hormones. Some examples of the hormones stimulated are cortisol, according to you and your hormones “which is a steroid hormone that regulates a wide range of processes throughout the body, including metabolism and the immune response. It also has a very important role in helping the body respond to stress”
As well as testosterone, which is a steroid hormone that stimulates the development of male secondary sexual characteristics and produced mainly in the testes, but also in the ovaries and adrenal cortex.” (Quote). Another hormone is the human growth hormone (HGH) which is produced by the pituitary gland and spurs growth in children and adolescents. It also helps to regulate body composition, body fluids, muscle and bone growth, sugar and fat metabolism, and possibly heart function. (Quote
Apart from the legs, working out your glutes is essential too. The glutes help control the movement of the pelvis, hips, legs, and torso. (quote glute source) Other benefits include improving the movement in the hip joint, stabilizing the pelvis. “While having a well toned rear end looks great, the benefits go much deeper than just appearance. Having strong glutes is an integral part of your body’s overall health. Powerful glutes play a key role in how efficiently your body moves, and helps to limit the amount of stress put on your lower back.” (quote)
The calf muscles are essential too. Exercising the calf can help you run faster, jump higher, be able to run faster, and have a more consistent pace when you’re running. They can also help with joint and knee pains.
Internal Benefits
We’ve talked about the physical and the external benefits of exercising, but regular exercise and physical activity has many benefits internally for you.
Another internal benefit is it can help reduce the risk of diabetes and the body’s insulin and blood sugar levels. This happens because exercise lowers your blood sugar, which helps the insulin in your body work better. This is able to cut down the risk of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
According to Preventing Diabetes, cutting out fatty foods and sweets and motivating oneself to maintain a daily exercise program can take some discipline, but the payoff is tremendous because people at risk for diabetes are much more prone to developing cardiovascular disease.
Exercise might not completely prevent diabetes, but it can definitely slow down the process. In agreement with Preventing Diabetes weight loss resulting from healthy eating and increased physical activity enables muscle cells to use insulin and glucose more efficiently, thus lowering diabetes risk. Lack of exercise can cause muscle cells to lose their sensitivity to insulin, which controls levels of sugar in the blood. Not getting exercise as a person with type 2 diabetes can cause nerve damage.
Mr.Lindo has noticed a significant change in his body by working out. “ Exercise is one of the most important habits in my life. Not only is it good for the mind, but it is needed to prevent injury, decrease chances of heart disease, avoid obesity, and help with dieting.”
Another disease that exercise can prevent is metabolic syndrome. Metabolic Syndrome is the combination of too much fat around the waist, high blood pressure, low high density lipoproteins (HDL) cholesterol, high triglycerides, or high blood sugar. According to CDC Physical Activity . people start to see benefits at levels of physical activity below the recommended 150 minutes a week. Additional amounts of physical activity seem to lower risk even more.
Heart disease is two to four times more prevalent in those with diabetes and the risk of stroke is two to four times higher; high blood pressure manifests itself in the majority of adults with the disease; and diabetes is the leading cause of kidney disease.
One benefit of working out regularly is it can help lower the risks of heart diseases. “ Exercise strengthens your heart and improves your circulation. The increased blood flow raises the oxygen levels in your body. This helps lower your risk of heart diseases such as high cholesterol, coronary artery disease, and heart attack. Regular exercise can also lower your blood pressure and triglyceride levels.”
According to Benefits of Physical Activity, Heart disease and stroke are two of the leading causes of death in the United States. Following the recommendations and getting at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity can put you at a lower risk for these diseases. You can reduce your risk even further with more physical activity. Regular physical activity can also lower your blood pressure and improve your cholesterol levels. This is vital to having a healthy and functioning body.
Another significance of exercise to your heart is because “exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when your heart and lung health improve, you have more energy to tackle daily chores.” (quote)
It can also help you quit smoking. This occurs when reducing your cravings and your withdrawal symptoms. It can also help limit the weight you might gain when you stop smoking. “Exercise is known to reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Trusted sources have shown that even a short 10-minute bout of moderate exercise can have immediate effects of reducing tobacco cravings.” (quote)
Another benefit is lowering the risks of getting certain cancers. Some cancers are bladder cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, endometrial cancer, esophagus cancer, kidney cancer, lung cancer, and stomach cancer. Cancer is caused from cells dividing uncontrollably and spread into surrounding tissues and changes to DNA.
Exercise can help strengthen the immune system by increasing the blood flow all over, help clear out bacteria out of your airways, cause a brief elevation in body temperature that may be protective, strengthen antibodies to help fight infection and reduce stress hormones. It can also cause immune cells to be more effective. (quote) As well as reduce inflammation allowing the immune system to perform better.
Strengthening your bones also comes with regular exercise. It’s important to protect your bones because of the significant role they play. Your bones, joints and muscles help support your body and help you move. You can increase bone density by putting reasonable amounts of stress and pressure on your bones. Weightlifting, muscle strengthening exercise and bone strengthening physical activity are great exercises to slow the loss and bone density. Doing simple physical activities can also lower the risk of hip fracture.
Physical activity also reduces the risk of falling and injuries from falls. According to Benefits of Physical Activity “Physical activity programs that include more than one type of physical activity are most successful at reducing falls and fall-related injuries. Different types of physical activity include aerobic, muscle strengthening, and balance physical activities. Also, weight bearing activities such as running, brisk walking, jumping jacks and strength training produce a force on the bones. These activities can help promote bone growth and bone strength and reduce the risk of fall-related injuries and fractures.” Some ways to keep active are going on walks, dancing, doing yoga, jogging, taking the stairs are all things you are able to do to achieve these benefits for your body.
This also relates to helping with arthritis and other rheumatic conditions that affect the joints. “Doing 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity, if able, plus muscle-strengthening activity improves your ability to manage pain and do everyday tasks and improves quality of life.” (link)
We know that exercise has all these benefits externally and internally for your body, in ways that we maybe did and didn’t expect to benefit us. But by doing this we can help prevent and improve things all over our body like reduce heart disease, the risk of diabetes, lower the bad cholesterol in your body as well as improve bones and joints, and you over all. These are all vital to be happy and healthy.
The Importance of Mental Health to Exercise by Dayanara Guzman
“I was fully aware that exercise such as basketball helped me with my mental state because when I was dealing with the death of my sibling, I faced a lot of emotional waves that included the emotion of sadness, tiredness, and being unmotivated to do most activities. I relied on playing basketball and exercising a lot because it helped me release my emotions into something that was beneficial physically, but mentally as well. I believe that exercise can help bring up people’s mental state especially when having depression, anxiety and struggling with self esteem,” says an anonymous 17-year-old basketball player.
Due to the player’s emotional distress, he resorted to playing basketball and working toward a professional basketball career.
Physical activity can improve mental health and possibly alleviate symptoms of despair and anxiety. While the physical benefits of exercise are well-known, the link between exercise and mental health is sometimes disregarded. Exercise improves body weight, body structure and decreasing health risk resulting in an enhanced self-image, and eventually boosting mental well-being.
Why is Mental Health Important?
Mental illnesses are one of the leading causes of disability in the United States, accounting for 18.7 percent of all years of life lost due to disability or premature death. (Healthy People, Mental Health and Mental Disorders) In 2014, an estimated 43.6 million people in the United States ages 18 and up suffered from some form of mental illness, such as depression and anxiety. Along with an additional 4.2 percent suffered from a severely disabling mental illness.
Mental and physical health are inextricably linked. People’s capacity to sustain excellent physical health is greatly influenced by their mental wellbeing. People’s capacity to engage in health-promoting actions is hampered by mental diseases such as sadness and anxiety. Physical health issues, such as chronic illnesses, can, in turn, have a negative influence on mental health and reduce a person’s capacity to participate in treatment and rehabilitation.
What is Mental Health?
Our emotional, psychological, and social well-being are all part of our mental health. It influences how we think, feel, and act. It also influences how we handle stress, interact with people, and make decisions. Mental health is vital at all stages of life, from infancy and adolescence through maturity. Mental health disorders have an impact on the start, progression, and outcome of physical ailments. High-risk behaviors, such as drug abuse and physical inactivity, are frequently associated with poor mental health. According to, mental illness might lower life expectancy by 20 years.
How Can Exercise Help?
According to, being physically active generates chemicals in your brain that make you feel good, enhancing your self-esteem and allows you to focus, sleep, and feel better. Being physically active does not have to include paying for a gym membership or running marathons. Finding an activity that you like may provide you with a goal to strive towards as well as a feeling of purpose. It may also be a terrific opportunity to meet new people, get away from everyday life, and acquire confidence.
So, if you already engage in some form of exercise, give yourself two pats on the back for increasing your physical and mental health. Exercise offers several psychological advantages.
Physical activity is increasingly being prescribed as part of the therapy for sadness and anxiety. Exercise is not a cure in and of itself, but it does have a favorable influence.Regular physical exercise appears to be as beneficial as psychotherapy in treating mild to moderate depression, according to research. Patients who exercise frequently, according to therapists, simply feel better and are less inclined to overeat or misuse alcohol and drugs.
Exercise can help to alleviate anxiety. This conclusion has been reached by several investigations. Exercisers report feeling less worried or nervous. Even five minutes of cardiovascular activity that utilizes oxygen, such as a step class, swimming, or walking, can have anti-anxiety benefits.
Physical activity can assist to alleviate the withdrawal, lethargy, and hopelessness that characterize depression. According to research, both aerobic and anaerobic activity, such as weightlifting, have antidepressant benefits.
Exercise has a good effect on moods such as stress, weariness, anger, and vitality.
Exercising can help you perceive your physical condition, athletic ability, and body image better. Another advantage is increased self-esteem.
Finally, exercise brings you into contact with other individuals in a non-clinical, happy setting. You interact with individuals who share your passion in that activity for the duration of your stroll, exercise, or aqua-fit session.
According to, endorphins, which are substances produced by the body in response to exercise, have been proven to vary. Endorphins are chemical messengers that assist in reducing pain and tension during exercise. These brain chemicals, as it turns out, play a vital role in mood regulation. In fact, these are the same molecules that are targeted by antidepressant medicines. Exercise also helps to lower the amounts of a stress hormone known as cortisol, which makes us feel less stressed. Exercise can also boost BDNF levels in the brain, which can assist enhance cognitive function, emotional stability, and overall well-being. BDNF is a protein found in the brain that aids in the survival of brain cells as well as the growth of new ones. Low levels of BDNF have been seen in persons suffering from mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. Exercise improves body weight, body structure and decreases health risk resulting in an enhanced self-image, and eventually boosting mental well-being.
Several students and teachers at the iSchool had much to say about how exercise impacts mental health.
One of the first teachers interviewed was Ms. Figueroa, a learning specialist at the iSchool, said, “I learned being aware of how my physical body is impacted by my mental state, I think that helps not just relax that but help me focus on my breathing, when i’m not able to do whatever I need to do I give myself to do by focusing on my breathing and usually there I start to notice my breathing being fast and constricted; my breathing helps me reduce my stress and reduce other areas in my body that are being impacted by stress.” With the school year being pretty chaotic, she has relied on meditating and taking time to understand her body now that she’s older and a mother.
iSchool history teacher Ms. Perez said, “Mental health is really important because we have alot of day to day stressors and taking the time out to relax in your day it’s really important because eventually it’ll catch up to you.” “Take time out for yourself” explained. “Although as a teacher it makes it a little bit harder because there is a never ending to do list, with all the expectations and roles that I fill; and if you’re a parent it equals even more time. There is no time for yourself so building in that time is really important because of remote learning and having to teach all day. I needed to take a walk outside for half an hour or less and that was my physical exercise for the day.”
Another teacher that was interviews Mr. Kim, he had some important thoughts on my questions. He said, “I think that a lot of mental health has a lot to do with your current state of mind and your self confidence and i think that a lot of people in a lot of ways have a lot of self confidence issues and that has a lot to do with their current views on themselves and statistically people who exercise more do have higher levels of self confidence and tend to have a stronger view of themselves which really contributes to a positive mental health and even just on a physiological side if you’re exercising your creating a body homeostasis that has more energy on a daily basis; the more energy you have the better you feel about going through your daily activities.”
According to, depression is extremely difficult to manage. It not only makes you feel extremely depressed at the time you have it, but it may also lead to a worse quality of life and a lower life expectancy in the long run since it impacts the chance of acquiring chronic physical health disorders. Pharmaceutical treatments are not always appropriate, with less than half of individuals using antidepressants experiencing a meaningful clinical response. Exercise can be a beneficial alternate technique. An intriguing research published in the American Journal of Psychiatry that included over 33,000 participants found that if the entire population exercised for at least one hour each week, 12 percent of new depression diagnoses might be avoided. If you’ve already been diagnosed with depression, exercise has been shown to be an effective approach to prevent and alleviate symptoms in both severe and mild cases.
In a study sponsored by Duke University, researchers discovered that exercise is just as efficient as antidepressants, reducing depressive symptoms by up to 70% in some people. Regular exercisers are less likely to acquire anxiety symptoms. Scientists believe this is because it affects the danger systems in our body. The danger systems, directed by the amygdala (the area of our brain linked with emotional processing), continually monitor for threats and flood the body with adrenaline and cortisol to help us physically respond. Exercise may therefore be an efficient approach to relax some of those muscles, regulate our systems, and divert our focus, reducing both the physiological and psychological effects of worry.
This frequently results in quicker respiratory rates, increased blood flow, an empty stomach, and highly tense muscles. Exercise can then be an efficient approach to relax some of those muscles, regulate our systems, and divert our attention, thus reducing the physiological and psychological consequences of worry.
What Is Depression?
It’s a serious mood disorder that can negatively impact your health and quality of life. The clinical definition is based on the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders (DSM-5). Depression is defined as anger, sadness, and even a feeling of loss that affects mood. Depression is not an emotion, it just can’t get rid of it.
What Are the Causes of Depression?
According to, depression does not result from having too much or too little of particular brain chemicals. Instead, there are other potential reasons for sadness, such as inadequate mood regulation by the brain, genetic predisposition, stressful life events, drugs, and physical conditions. Research shows that ongoing exposure to stress can impair the growth of nerve cells in this part of the brain. Serotonin levels are out of balance. Here’s another thing that’s going on in the brain that may be connected, the serotonin receptors act differently than in someone without depression. This is why some of the treatment drugs work with serotonin. History of depression in the family. Someone with a parent or sibling with MDD has a two or three-times greater risk of developing depression than the average person (or a 20-30% chance vs. 10%).
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is the body’s normal reaction to stress. It is uneasiness or fear about what is to come. Most individuals are afraid and apprehensive on the first day of school, going to a job interview, or making a speech.
What is Social Anxiety Disorder?
Social phobia is a form of anxiety disorder distinguished by extreme dread, worry, discomfort, and self-consciousness in social situations. Individuals suffering with social phobia have a heightened anxiety of interacting with others in a range of social situations, and they are concerned that they will be examined by others. This acute anxiety impairs functioning and has a substantial impact on the individual’s life and relationships.
According to SAMHSA’s National Helpline:
Behavioral symptoms:
- Avoiding situations where the individual thinks they may be the center of attention
- Refraining from certain activities because of a fear of embarrassment
- Becoming isolated; the individual may quit their job or drop out of school
- Excessive drinking or substance abuse
- Social anxiety disorder affects approximately 15 million American adults.
- According to the US National Comorbidity Survey, social anxiety has a 12-month prevalence rate of 6.8%, placing it as the third most common mental disorder in the United States.
- Statistically, social anxiety disorder is more common in women than in men.
- Despite the availability of effective treatments, fewer than 5% of people with social anxiety disorder seek treatment in the year following initial onset.
- More than a third of people report symptoms for 10 or more years before seeking help.
- One study found that 85% of participants were able to significantly improve or recover using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy alone.
A mix of exercise and group CBT helped those with social anxiety. Numerous studies have demonstrated that exercise boosts self-esteem and overall well-being. Physical activity on a regular basis can help to reduce depression and anxiety symptoms.
Mental Health as a Public Health Issue
Poor mental health not only impairs a person’s ability to live a full life and go on with their school, job, or familial commitments; it may also lead to physical and social difficulties with major consequences.
The goal of public health is to encourage healthy lifestyles while also detecting, preventing, and responding to problems. Because of the prevalence of mental health difficulties that influence people’s physical and social well-being, dealing with mental health is essential to accomplishing public health goals.
To begin with, mental health has a significant influence on how people interact with others, make decisions, and deal with stress. People’s capacity to live satisfying lives frequently hinges on their mental health. As a result, public health practitioners must prioritize the protection and restoration of mental health.
Mental Health and Physical Wellness
While mental health disorders have an impact on the start, progression, and outcome of physical ailment, high-risk behaviors, such as drug abuse and physical inactivity, are frequently associated with poor mental health. According to research, mental illness might lower life expectancy by 20 years.
These figures demonstrate that public health and mental health are two sides of the same coin. Mental disease is a worldwide issue. Depression affects around 300 million individuals worldwide, accounting for 4.4% of the global population. (Depression and Other Common Mental Disorders) These troubling findings reflect the widespread incidence of mental illness in general. It is anticipated that one in every four persons will experience a mental health problem at some point in their lives.
Emotional and mental health is significant since it affects your ideas, habits, and emotions and is a vital component of your life. Being emotionally healthy can increase productivity and effectiveness in tasks such as job, education, or caring. It is essential for the quality of your relationships and helps you to adjust to changes in your life and cope with hardship.
Several students at the iSchool, including teachers and family members, had much advice on how to take care of your mental health.
An anonymous family member said, “My advice would be to never think that you are alone, always reach out for help even though you think you can handle it. It’s always better to bounce things off of another person because you are your own worst enemy. ”
When asking many iSchool teachers their advice on taking care of their mental health,
iSchool history teacher Ms.Ly said , “My biggest piece of advice is to really listen to your body, not to compare yourself to other people, and do what you think you should look like, feel like and etc and just focus on feeling good. ”
An iSchool history teacher Ms.Perez stated, “Prioritize yourself because if you don’t none else will for you, and also know that there is a difference between physical and mental and think we all do forget that we should be doing more mental work.” “Understand that we don’t have a lot of control over everything so when we do have control over a situation, take the control and find the solution.”
iSchool teacher and a high school football coach Mr. Whittaker said, “ It’s okay to ask for help and be in a weird uncomfortable funk but just know it takes time to get out of, make sure to exercise, eat, and sleep well in order to be the best version of yourself. Take time to understand your emotions and how to resolve that conflict.”
Mental Health can be a difficult subject to discuss, and handle. Especially being a young teen and adult
Ms.Figueroa said, “My advice is to start young working out and taking care of your mental health. When I was younger I always felt like I had a lot of time and always relied too heavily on my genes. As you grow older things change a lot. Make it a habit now because later on it’s a lot difficult to turn these things into a habit and you actually end up needing them more as you are confronted with the reality of life. I wish I started earlier, and I never took it seriously. I’m a mother to a young girl i want to make sure im doing my best to give an example of being kind to yourself and accepting yourself no matter what but it’s still a struggle because i didn’t see the importance until much later on two years before i got pregnant i saw the value you in it ”
iSchool guidance counselor Ms.Colon said, “People need to talk more, and i hope when they talk about mental health that they realize that releasing some of those feelings is good and staying connected to the people that matter to them most because during the pandemic when we were all away from each other who we made an effort to talk to those are the people who matter to us and so we hold onto those people, and everyone should have a goal big or small.”
iSchool teacher Mr.Kim said, “My advice would be to understand what your needs are both physically and psychology both and find time in your day to manage both those needs understand that you don’t have to say yes to everything but you should not also say no to everything, find opportunities to feel comfort and yet challenge yourself.”
People’s capacity to sustain excellent physical health is greatly influenced by their mental well being. Exercise has a somewhat lowering effect on state and trait anxiety, as well as the capacity to improve physical self-perceptions and overall self-esteem. The mind is one of the most powerful organs in the body, regulating the functioning of all other organs. When our minds are unsettled or unbalanced, it has an effect on the whole functioning of our bodies. It also has a negative impact on our emotional well-being, work performance, and relationships because of the importance of the mind, it is critical to maintain mental health. If you think you could be suffering from one of these mental illnesses, don’t be afraid to get help.