All of these photos are from different times and different seasons, making each photo unique and different from each other. This is supposed to convey the beauty of our world that some people might overlook.
This is a picture taken of a beetle on a flower that I spotted walking around Legoland in Jersey in the summer of 2022.This picture is of a mama deer and her kin, and they were watching me and my family outside while we were in P. A. on vacation in the summer of 2023.This is a picture of an American Kestrel taken in a backyard in the Bronx in 2021. It was hanging out there for a little while, probably waiting for food.A picture of a hawk sitting on the same peace of wood as shown above. The hawk was waiting for something to eat.This picture was taken while walking back to my dad’s car after going to a shopping outlet in Jersey in the winter of 2021.This picture of a mini waterfall going into a small lake was taken in June of 2023 in Central Park after a trip taken in 8th grade.This is a picture of the Brooklyn Bridge by Dumbo park in the winter of 2021.A picture of the sun was taken on May 31 2023 because I thought it looked really cool that day.A picture of New York in the evening after coming home in a car ride in August of 2020This is a photo of the sky in Nov 2023 walking to my dad’s car after going to a mall outletThis is a photo of Niagara falls in Canada in the summer of 2017 when me and some of my family went on a trip there.