Best “Friends”

Best Friends

Marlena Shaab and Ava Falcon

There’s no denying that “Friends” is one of the most iconic shows of all time. Not only is “Friends” iconic, but it’s one of the funniest ensembles to be on television. It’s a national phenomenon. Below we rank the top 13 episodes of the series based on our opinion!

Number 13: Season 6, Episode 15/16: “The One That Could Have Been”

Best quote of the episode: Ross: “Phoebe, having a heart attack is nature’s way of telling you to slow down.”

Chandler: “I always thought having a heart attack is nature’s way of telling you to die.”

Why it’s so good: This episode was very unique and interesting; this episode was about how each person’s lives could have turned out if they had chosen different paths. It made us think what life would be like if Rachel married Barry or if Monica was still fat It had us laughing the whole time.


Number 12: Season 5, Episode 11: “The One With All The Resolutions”

Best quote of the episode: “They’re still not coming off man! And the lotion and the powder have made a paste.”

Why it’s so good: Phoebe teaches Joey how to play the guitar, and Ross can’t get his leather pants back on when in the bathroom on a date in his date’s apartment. What’s better than that?


Number 11: Season 3, Episode 16: “The One the Morning After”

Best quote of the episode: “We can eat the wax, it’s organic!”

Why it’s so good:  This episode is sad considering it’s when Ross and Rachel break up, but it’s also hilarious considering the other members of the gang are in the other room listening to the whole fight!


Number 10: Season 8,  Episode 4: “The One With The Videotape”

Best quote of the episode:“Well I can proof it I got it on video tape”

Why it’s so good: After finding out Ross is the father of Rachel’s baby, we thought we would have no more questions left to wonder about, but there is: who came on to who? While you might think there is no way to know the answer, there actually is, because Ross accidentally filmed the whole thing!


Number 9: Season 6, Episode 10: “The One With The Routine”

Best quote of the episode: “Just stick with the routine, Ross, we don’t what to look stupid!”

Why it’s so good:  While this episode may not have made it on this list without Ross and Monica’s insanely hilarious dance, we had to include it, because this was one of the funniest episodes ever.


Number 8: Season 9, Episode 5: “The One With Phoebe’s Birthday Dinner”

Best quote of the episode: “pick up the sock, PICK UP THE SOCK!”

Why it’s so good: This is such an underrated episode! Everyone is late for their own reasons while Joey and Phoebe are just waiting.


Number 7: Season 3, Episode 25: “The One At The Beach”

Best quote of the episode:“You balded my girlfriend!”

Why it’s so good: Every single trip the gang takes is so funny, and this one was especially good because  Ross and Rachel have a chance of getting back together, Joey digs a hole, and Monica gets stung by a jellyfish!  


Number 6: Season 4, Episode 12: “The One With The Embryos”

Best quote of the episode:“Actually it’s Miss Chanandler Bong”

Why it’s so good:  Other than the fact that we got to see the gang argue over who knows each other better, which was hilarious, we got a lot of funny new facts about the gang!


Number 5: Season 5, Episode 14: “The One Where Everyone Finds Out”

Best quote of the episode:“They thought that they could mess with us, they’re trying to mess with us? They don’t know that we know they know we know”  

Why it’s so good: This episode had everyone laughing so hard the entire time! Plus Chandler tells Monica he loves her! So of course it’s on the list.  


Number 4: Season 5, Episode 23/24: “The One In Vegas”

Best quote of the episode:

Ross: “Well hello Mrs. Ross”

Rachel: “Well hello Mr. Rachel”

Why it’s so good: One of the funniest episodes in the show. With Joey meeting his “ hand twin,” Monica and Chandler almost getting married, and Ross and Rachel actually getting married! You can’t deny that your jaw hit the floor when you saw them walk out those chapel doors.


Number 3: Season 7, Episode 23/24: “The One With Monica and Chandler’s Wedding

Best quote of the episode:

Monica: “Chandler, for so long I… I wondered if I would ever find my prince, my soulmate. Then three years ago, at another wedding I turned to a friend for comfort. And instead, I found everything that I’d ever been looking for my whole life. And now… here we are… with our future before us… and I only want to spend it with you, my prince, my soulmate, my friend.”

Chandler: “Monica, I thought this was going to be the most difficult thing I ever had to do. But when I saw you walking down that aisle I realized how simple it was. I love you. Any surprise that comes our way, it’s okay, because I will always love you. You are the person I was meant to spend the rest of my life with.”

Why it’s so good: No explanation needed– It’s Monica and Chandler’s wedding, but we also find out Rachel is pregnant! It’s one of the best episodes that made us so happy, but we were left wondering, who is the father of Rachel’s baby?


Number 2: Season 4, Episode 23/24: “The One With Ross’s Wedding”

Best quote of the episode: “I take thee Rachel.”

Why it’s so good: This episode made it so far on this list because it’s so iconic. Ross says the wrong name at his wedding, and the fact that the name that he said was Rachel made it all the more special, plus it is also the episode when Monica and Chandler first get together! By far one of the best and funniest episodes!


Number 1: Season 1, Episode 1: “The One Where It All Began”

Best quote of the episode: “Welcome to the real world, it sucks– you’re going to love it!”

Why it’s so good: This episode may not of been the funniest or the best written episode but of course we couldn’t not put it first on this list, as it is the one where it all began.