Mock Election: The best place to learn about our government


NYC iSCHOOL: The students of the Mock Election module working on their campaign strategy.

Kezia Dickson, Copy Editor

The race has begun, and two candidates are vying for that one spot to be named class president. They’ve put in blood, sweat, and tears to make it to the end. The baked goods, the speeches, the debate performances, and the advertisements are all deciding factors in this race.

The people that take the Mock Election module become real life politicians in the school. They’ve learned the steps necessary to become a successful president. On the last day of class, all of that hard work will pay off for one fortunate candidate.

The Mock Election module enables students to take on different roles found in an actual campaign: candidate, campaign staff, the press, and advertising firms. Each person within the campaign has the end goal of helping their candidate become class president. According to Mr. Jay, who is the teacher of this module, “It’s a fun and interesting way for students to learn about the American electoral process.”

The joy revolving around this class is not only felt by the teacher, but also by the students. Nathan Neale, a former website coordinator, said, “the module is exciting because it progresses as it goes on and you can see the whole class build up into something great.

To me, this module helps students understand what goes behind making a successful candidate. India Gray, former advertiser for the Burroughs campaign, “It’s not nearly as intense as the actual campaign, but I learned what makes a candidate appeal to the people. It’s not just their views, but personality and what they have to offer to the people.” Students are exposed to the world of politics and how our government operates. Moreover, they become more intellectually aware about the world around them.

There’s a set of goals that Mock Election hopes to install and has installed in students that have participated in it. This ranges from growing a respect for the American democracy and electoral system, understanding the issues, and helping your group become successful in the end (teamwork). As a student that was a part of this module, all these goals were installed in me. I became more aware of current events and developed a better understanding of our nation’s government.

Beyond gaining insight on the country, it is a great way for students to learn personal skills and build friendships. Gray worked with Katie a senior at the iSchool to create ads for the Burroughs campaign and she quotes “she’s my good friend now”. It’s been proven time and time again that lasting friendships and relationships have been built through the module.

The module is a great opportunity for students to learn how to become active participants in their country. The students that have taken part in this module loved it so much that they didn’t hesitate to say, “I would do it again!” It is hard to get students to follow the news and keep up with the government; however, the mock election every quarter is moving students to delve into understanding the issues. It is indeed the best place to learn about our country’s government.